You'll likely have heard many things about Diablo 4's Butcher, or perhaps you've even come across the fearsome foe while exploring Sanctuary yourself. He's one of the game's toughest enemies and can wreak absolute havoc on your party when he shows up. To put it plainly, he's downright terrifying; in fact, when it comes to Diablo 4, the only thing more terrifying than The Butcher is a giant version of him, and that's just what one unfortunate group of players recently ran into.
One of them was IronHeart_777, who recounted their frightening tale over on the Diablo 4 subreddit. According to the player, their party was doing Nightmare Dungeons when things took a turn for the worse. "Suddenly this absolute beast of a Butcher comes running down a hallway towards us," IronHeart_777 explains. "Never seen one this size before."
So uh... anyone know why we found a Giant Butcher? He appeared this big from r/diablo4
So why's he so big? Well, contrary to what the player first thought, this isn't some special version of the boss; it's the work of the Avenger modifier. Killing enemies while this modifier is active makes nearby enemies bigger and stronger. "It changes their size by a fraction for every kill," says Reddit user swissarmywolf.
While most Diablo 4 players wouldn't like to go toe to toe with this guy, some are all in favour of the new supersized version. "He should always be this size," Crow-Queen wrote. "That's awesome". Meanwhile, another fan questions just how big The Butcher can possibly get. "Is there a cap? What happens if he hits the ceiling?" says a concerned-sounding Pandarwan. So far, we don't have an answer to this, and let's face it, there are some things you are better off not knowing.
According to Blizzard, The Butcher was responsible for almost 2% of all player deaths in Diablo 4 in the first week, which is even more impressive considering he almost never shows up.
Need a boost? Here's how to level up fast in Diablo 4.