Update: Looks like there are actually multiple post-credits scenes. Wowhead reports that enterprising players have dug up a total of four, equally short post-credits teases, each of which feature a deeply unpleasant, demonic-looking figure. For my money, at least some of them show Mephisto, but I leave it to wiser Diablo sages than me to reach a final verdict on who these figures are.

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Original story: There's something quite old-fashioned and pleasant about having one big game that everyone is playing and poring through for secrets. It puts me in mind of people looking for Bigfoot in GTA: San Andreas or trying to unlock Sheng Long in Street Fighter. Right now, that game is Diablo 4, which has set people to fervent theorycrafting with an incredibly short—and seemingly hidden—post-credits scene (via GamesRadar).
While I'm sure there are more than a few players out there that have already seen it, the existence of Diablo 4's post-credits scene was brought to wider attention earlier today after a tweet from Blizzard Jamir Blanco, where he mentioned people "finally starting to realize" that Diablo 4 even had a post-credits scene at all (in fairness, those credits are very long).
Sounds like some people are finally starting to realize there’s a post-credit cutscene in our game... 🤫😈June 21, 2023
The scene in question is already up on YouTube—it was actually uploaded before Blanco's tweet—thanks to a user named AnActualSadTaco. You can watch it below. I'd put a spoiler warning here, but frankly, the scene is so quick and hard-to-decipher that I don't think it really spoils anything at all.
Any idea what that meant? Me neither. It certainly looks like some kind of demonic villain, but they're ten-a-penny in Diablo, so that doesn't really narrow it down. Some players reckon it might be Lucion, son of Mephisto from Diablo 2, while others theorise it could be Diablo himself. His name is still on the box, after all. Other theories are a little too spoilerific to delve into here, but suffice to say there are some Diablo 4 characters that players think might match the fiery figure in the post-credits scene. I'm sure we'll find out as Diablo 4's post-launch content starts rolling out.
The strange thing is, people aren't actually sure how to get this scene in the first place. Quite a few players responded to Blanco's tweet by saying they'd beaten the game, stuck around for the credits, and seen nothing at all. That seemed to mystify Blanco too, who's promised a few different players that he'll ask some questions around Blizzard and see if he can figure out why some people aren't getting it.
My theory is that players will only see the scene after beating the campaign a second time. The players I've seen lamenting the fact that they didn't get the post-credits teaser all seem to have beaten the game once, while a lot of the people saying they got it appear to be on a second playthrough or else helping someone else beat the game after already having done it themselves (which itself might be the key: Perhaps you only get it if you're aiding a fellow player).
Regardless, add the post-credits scene to Diablo 4's ever-mounting pile of mysteries. Which do you reckon will get figured out first: The identity of the fiery figure, or where the hell that cow level is? Place your bets now.