Diablo’s first new class in nearly a decade isn’t coming to Diablo 4, even if the setting surrounding the season led to hopes it might.
Speaking to 4Players, Diablo general manager Rod Fergusson explains that while Diablo 4 Season of Blood is vampire-like, that, no, there are currently no plans to introduce the Blood Knight class that debuted in Diablo Immortal earlier this year (thanks, Icyveins).
As per Google Translate and Icy Veins, Fergusson goes on to say that parallels between Diablo 4 Season 2’s theme and the Blood Knight are purely coincidental. Sorry, gang.
As we reported closer to the time of the Blood Knight’s reveal, the class looks like it’s been plucked right from the Castlevania series, appearing vampire hunter-like in appearance. The Blood Knight’s primary attacks revolve around dual-wielding polearms to rack up strikes quickly. What I’m really jealous of, though, is what Fergusson called the “kebob attack,” which, as you might guess, lets you skewer enemies and swing ‘em about. Are you sure we can’t have the Blood Knight in Diablo 4, Rod?
Diablo 4 Season of Blood, meanwhile, does include a vampire-themed questline and vampiric abilities to try out, but alas, there is no Blood Knight to skewer them with. You are, however, getting "five new and returning endgame bosses, updates to renown rewards, updates to gem and stash storage, and updates to resistance and status effects."
Diablo 2 Season 2 releases October 17, 2023.
Diablo 4 gets its first major discount 3 months after launch, and it's a big one.