A heartbroken couple are campaigning for change after suffering the sudden and unexpected loss of their baby just two weeks after he was born. Devastated Rachel and Christian Pepper want to see CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) training for new-born babies performed in hospitals after they were left frantically searching for what to do when their boy Rowan stopped breathing at their family home.
According to the NHS, most SIDS deaths happen during the first six months of a baby’s life. The condition usually occurs when a baby is asleep, although it can occasionally happen when they’re awake.
Tragically, Rowan lost his life a week later at Nottingham’s Queen Medical Centre. He died from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) (also known as cot death) on October 25, which affects around 200 babies a year in the UK, DerbyshireLive reports.
The Derby couple fear the time it took for them to search for what to do in such a terrifying situation could have contributed negatively to baby Rowan's health. Devastatingly, this concern is something that Mr and Mrs Pepper will probably never find out the answer to.
They say it is hugely difficult for them to understand why new parents must watch a video of how not to shake a baby before leaving hospital, while there are no demonstrations or information provided on how to save a baby’s life. The couple also say the methods to perform CPR on a baby are different to an adult and an older child – and feel strongly that this is something parents must be made aware of. Now, after suffering the loss of their baby son, they are calling for CPR training to be implemented in all hospitals and in communities across the UK.
They hope the “Rowan’s Rule” campaign will help save babies' lives in the future and give worried parents the know-how on what to do when such a frightening emergency is happening. Already the campaign has got off to a great start with one local hospital trust supporting their efforts.
Rachel and Christian paid tribute to their baby, who was their first child, and described his funeral as the “worst day” of their lives. Rachel said: “Rowan was sassy and the king of the side-eye. He was brilliant. He was just hilarious.
“The funeral was the worst day of our lives. It was worse than the day we lost him. We didn’t have a hearse because the coffin was so tiny, so he rode with us. He spent time with us at home on the day of the funeral, I just didn’t want the last time I saw him at our home to be the time when paramedics were running off with him.”

The couple were enjoying life as mum and dad to their first child at their home at the back end of 2022. They say the first few days had gone well and there had been no warning signs of the tragedy which was to follow. It was then on one night in October when the couple experienced the worst thing that any parent would have nightmares about – their baby had stopped breathing.
Rachel said: “Rowan had a nice, normal day and we had our family visit earlier, We had lots of tea –everything had been perfect. I was just giving him a feed before bed at about 9pm and then I noticed he had gone floppy and blue. That’s when I realised he wasn’t breathing.
“I was hysterical. I ran outside and screamed for help. The next thing you know the paramedics were here. To see your baby boy struggling without knowing what to do was awful.
"It was horrible. It all seemed to happen so fast, so much so I can barely remember everything. "
Rachel's partner Christian called 999 and then put his phone on loud speaker so he could try and perform CPR on Rowan before the paramedics rushed to the scene. Christian said: "I was on the phone for two-and-a-half minutes, 30 seconds of that was asking for an ambulance. From that point on I put the phone down on loud speaker then I was being talked through CPR. An ambulance turned up in less than three minutes and paramedics then took over. I think there were three or four ambulances - it was a hands on deck situation. "
To start the Rowan’s Rule campaign, both Rachel and Christian have turned to close friends and local Chellaston councillors Philip and Celia Ingall for support. The pair moved a motion at a full council meeting held in January which called on Derby City Council to write to the University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust and the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care calling to introduce CPR training for babies at all hospitals.
While talking about the subject, Councillor Phil Ingall was almost reduced to tears. The council unanimously supported the motion during the meeting and said new “family hubs” coming to the city would have CPR training for babies associated with them.
Cllr Philip Ingall said attending Rowan’s funeral was one of the worst things he had witnessed in his life. He is calling for a meeting with the Department of Health and Social Care so the campaign can be discussed at greater length and in more detail.
He said: “You shouldn’t have to bury your children. I like a good funeral when you celebrate someone who has died who has a good life and lived in their 80s or 90s. You remember that person and the enjoyable life they had. But when it is a 14-day-old baby, it is heartbreaking. I am desperately hoping that from this awful situation, something good can come from it. Let’s push this campaign and make it 'Rowan’s Rule' so this is done everywhere to help people.
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“What we and Rachel and Christian want is to sit down with the Secretary of State for Health and Social care and talk about the campaign. This could be a really positive thing for the Government and listening to this good idea in place. This isn’t a big cost thing. It will probably save the NHS money.”
Christian added: “There were no signs beforehand of what was to come which is the terrifying thing. It’s just instant, no warning. Rowan was thriving.
“Showing a video of how not to shake a baby but not showing how to do basic life-saving to us is wrong. It’s like turning up to your driving test, they sit you in the car and put an iPad on the steering wheel which shows a five-minute drink-drive video, and they then give you a driving licence.
“We know sudden baby deaths happen, we are not going to stop it - we know that. But if CPR training could help save one or two babies each year then that would be amazing. Or in that worse and terrifying moment, people have got a skill or tool to help them.”
As well as the motion, the couple have also held talks with health bosses in the local area with bosses of the Royal Hospital in Derby working with them to support any changes that could be made.
Garry Marsh, executive chief nurse at University Hospitals Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust said: "Rachel and Christian have shared their very sad experience with us and, in Rowan's memory, we are working with them, and our service users to explore how we can support their campaign to make baby first aid and CPR a skill that all parents know.
"Like all NHS maternity services, we provide education to families during pregnancy and following the birth of a child which is in line with national guidance. Feedback from our service users is really important to us and in support of Rowan's Rule, we are working with our maternity voices partnership groups, who represent people who access our maternity services, to explore the best way to support families with accessing baby first aid and CPR information."
A Derby City Council spokesman added: “The motion was passed unanimously by Council in January and we are working to fulfil the requirements of the resolution. The safety of babies and their parents is something we take very seriously.
“Anyone can access free CPR training through providers such as The British Heart Foundation and St John Ambulance.”
More information about Rachel and Christian's campaign can be found here and information on CPR can be found here.