Submarine adventure Iron Lung was one of the scariest games of 2022, and an absolute steal at $6 on PC or Switch. As of this November, it now costs $8 on Steam (still $6 on Switch at the time of writing), which remains an absolute steal. The new price is the result of the simple fact that – and you might want to sit down for this one – creator David Szymanski wants to make more money.
"Since people keep trying to gotcha me over this... once again, Iron Lung's price went up because the game is worth $8 so I want to charge $8, because I want to earn more money," Szymanski said in a recent Twitter thread which – and I've double-checked this – contains zero minced words. "If you don't agree with this price, I don't want your money. Go pirate it or something idc."
Szymanski skewers the argument that "he's only doing this for money" by pointing out that, yes, that's exactly the point. Or as he puts it: "Yes, no fucking shit, I make games for a living. If I didn't want to earn money from them I wouldn't charge money for them.
"I like the business model of 'I want money so I make something that I think is worth money, and you pay me that money and you get the thing, and we're all happy.' That's it. There's nothing complicated or hidden here.
"If you don't think the things I make are worth the money I charge, that's completely ok," Szymanski concludes. "Don't buy them, or wait for a deep sale, or go the sneaky route and get them for free or whatever, and please tell me that so I can adjust the prices for whatever I release next."
Szymanski says this will be the last price change to Iron Lung, and hopes "this won't ever need [to be] discussed again." Since Iron Lung, he's also released the definitive $8 version of horror hunting game Squirrel Stapler and the $5 micro FPS Chop Goblins, both to glowing reception on Steam.
Iron Lung was such a hit that YouTube star Markiplier is writing, producing, and starring in an Iron Lung film, with Szymanski "heavily involved" in production. A trailer released in October makes good on its promise as the bloodiest horror movie of all time.