In the early hours of Wednesday, a top official in Detroit announced that some of the remaining ballots left to be tabulated are being brought into the city’s counting center. City election workers had been awaiting the delivery of a final batch of 4,500 ballots. A portion of these ballots has now arrived at the convention center where votes are being counted, while the rest are still undergoing signature verification before they can be tabulated.

Detroit Elections Department Chief Operating Officer mentioned that as signatures are verified on the outstanding ballots, they will be brought into the center for counting. The 86,000 absentee ballots that Detroit managed to count before Election Day, thanks to Michigan’s new laws, have already been reported to Wayne County.
Today, about 14,000 absentee ballots were received in the city, including the 4,500 currently being processed. The process of verifying signatures and tabulating the remaining ballots is ongoing to ensure an accurate and transparent election result.