Well, we have a longer, more substantive version of the Destiny 2 exotics trailer snippet we saw making its way around web ads this past week.
Bungie, fresh off its purchase by Sony, has rolled out a new trailer that briefly touches on crafting, and shows off at least a few exotics from the upcoming expansion and season. Let’s break it down:
Crafting – Is confirmed to be inside a “relic on Mars,” which we know is also where Savathun’s ship is parked as part of the intro mission for Witch Queen. My guess is that this is probably a social space and not a new patrol zone, but there’s no hard confirmation either way.
Not much is shown here other than the assumed basic ability to pick which perks go inside your gun. The same four slots on existing guns are shown with existing perks, plus a masterwork. But questions remain about if you can unlock multiple, switchable slots, and what Bungie is adding to weapons now that they don’t generate orbs intrinsically.
Exotic Slug Launcher Grand Overture – I literally have no idea what this thing is, as the closest thing I can compare it to is maybe Xenophage, but that’s it. It has a charged shot that shoots fully auto exploding missiles. Has to be a heavy weapon, I imagine.
Exotic Grenade Launcher Parasite – This was the wild exotic glimpsed in the web trailer that launches Hive worms that explode. Perk says “increasing damage” so not sure how that will stack. Also not sure what type of damage this is, but it may be similar to the next one:
Exotic SMG Osteo Striga – This has “swarming projectiles that trigger a toxic burst” which sounds a whole lot like an SMG version of Necrotic Grips Thorn. It also reinforces the idea that we are probably marching toward a “toxic” element in this game someday.
Titan Glaive: Edge of Action – Each class has a unique glaive that has as special perk. The Titan one shoots a protective, Ward of Dawn-like shield. I think these are exotic?
Warlock Glaive: Edge of Intent – This one deploys a healing turret for all your support Warlock build needs. Assume this may stack with things like Boots of Assembler?
Hunter Glaive: Edge of Concurrence – This one has tracking chain lightning which is usually a Warlock thing. No supporting your allies, as is Hunter tradition.
Exotic Hoarfrost-Z Titan Chest – This replaces your barrier with a stasis wall that can be shattered. Oh no.
Exotic Osiomancy Warlock Gloves – This gives you an additional Coldsnap trail (or a second grenade? Not sure), with enhanced seeking. Double oh no.
Exotic Blight Ranger Hunter Helmet – Increases the damage of reflected projectiles. This feels like the worst one given how situational it is. All three of these are shown off in PvP. A few other exotics are shown but not detailed.
Big, big stuff here, and it looks like a lot of fun. We will get our hands on it all in exactly three weeks time. And there’s a lot more being hidden, no doubt.
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