Bungie announced during today's developer livestream that Star Wars-inspired armor and cosmetics will come to Destiny 2 when Heresy Act 1 goes live on February 4.
Destiny 2 players will have access to three new Star Wars skins with the launch of Heresy, developed in collaboration with Lucasfilm Games. For Hunters, it's the black armor of the elite, covert Death Troopers; Warlocks will get to dress up in the brilliant red of the Royal Guard; and for Titans it's the classic Stormtrooper look, complete with "an intrinsic perk that tanks your accuracy." (I suspect that last bit is a joke, however.)

Ghosts will also get a glow-up in the form of the DS-2 shell, a ghost shell modelled after the Return of the Jedi Death Star, complete with a cute little superlaser that I have to assume is entirely cosmetic.

More is on the way: Senior social media manager Andy Salisbury said during the stream that there will be "a sparrow, a ship, emotes, and a finisher" that will be available with the start of Heresy.
The Star Wars skins are a good fit for the armor-clad characters of Destiny 2, although it's interesting that all of it is inspired by the space fascist team—I guess the thing to do is acknowledge that it looks cool and not think about it much beyond that.
I do wonder if it's getting to be a bit much, though. Destiny 2 is ostensibly a serious, self-contained sci-fi universe, but over the past couple years it's done brand crossovers with Assassin's Creed, The Witcher, Mass Effect, Ghostbusters, Dungeons and Dragons, Street Fighter, and more. It's nowhere near the frenetic pace of, say, Fortnite, but I can't imagine that humming "Who you gonna call?" while slaughtering hordes of the Fallen does much for a sense of immersion.
PC Gamer's Morgan Park wrote in 2024 that every time a new shooter launches, he starts a countdown "until it becomes a clown show of brands and hideous skins," and Destiny 2 may not be new but it certainly seems to be treading that path. On the other hand, Lincoln Carpenter admitted when the D&D collaboration happened that while such crossovers "can end up feeling like I'm looking at spillover from Comic-Con when I want to be looking at Destiny," his Titan "would look rad riding an owlbear", and I suppose that's really the bottom line: It may not make a hell of a lot of sense but as long as people think it looks cool, there's money to be made.
Destiny 2: Heresy Act 1, and all the Star Wars stuff, goes live on February 4—here's our full rundown of everything you can expect.