A Derry woman who initially thought she had irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) was shocked to find she was suffering from bowel cancer.
Maryrose McCready, 37, told MyDerry that her symptoms initially presented themselves as bloating and constipation.
The Top of the Hill native thought she was reacting badly to food and drastically changed her diet, which helped, but symptoms persisted and eventually led to rectal prolapse.
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Maryrose said that she was transferred by an ambulance to Altnagelvin Hospital after suffering "excruciating pain" and doctors decided to refer her for a colonoscopy.
It was then that professionals at the Derry hospital found the tumour in Merryrose's bowel.
"I just had a feeling whenever the rectal prolapse happened that there was just something that wasn't right," she said.
"I had the prolapse in May 2012 and was then referred for a colonoscopy in the August of the same year. And in between that time my symptoms were getting worse, I had rectal bleeding, constipation, bloating and noises coming from my tummy.
"It was a massive shock for me when they told me that I had cancer. I was only 27-year-old and bowel cancer isn't usually something somebody gets when they're so young. It's usually older people that are diagnosed with it.
"This was something that was never discussed or never mentioned when I had gone to get checked by the local doctors and I had just thought that this was normal.
"Of course, I knew something wasn't right whenever I had rectal prolapse but I still would never have guessed that it was cancer."
She underwent surgery to remove a tumour from her bowel, meaning surgeons had to reattach her bowel after the procedure.
Maryrose said she "was completely floored" by the entire situation which was a "total blur" at the time.
"I just wanted to get better," she said. "I couldn't even begin to comprehend how any of this was actually happening. Looking back now I definitely suppressed a lot of the mental side of being ill to the backburner.
"I just didn't know how to react to the situation. I considered myself quite lucky because I didn't have to get a stoma bag at the time or I didn't have to have chemotherapy.
"This was the sort of way that I was thinking even know the situation was a godsend for me. I was mentally all over the place. I just wanted to get back to my normal life as quickly as possible."

Following surgery Maryrose 'got on with things' and was eager to have children of her own, something doctors weren't sure would be possible following the surgery.
Doctors told Maryrose that it was a possibility that she could be infertile, destroying her chances of having any kids in the future,
However, two years later, the Derry woman defied the odds and fell pregnant with her firstborn Cian in 2014 and then Lochlain a year and a half later.
"I was delighted when I had my two wee boys," Maryrose said. "It was such a positive time in my life and I was really looking forward to seeing what the future held for us all.
"But there was some concern because at the start of my second pregnancy I started to get issues again with the bowel."
Bloating, irritation and discomfort of the stomach all returned for the mum-of-two, prompting concern that Maryrose's problems were returning.
"This went on until 2019 when the pain became unbearable one night and I had to the A&E department," Maryrose explained. "There was nothing passing, no stool or air.
"They had to perform emergency surgery due to a blockage in my bowel. And even after that surgery I still didn't feel right at all. My body was trying to tell me something. My bowel was enlarged in areas and felt completely twisted.
"That's when I went back in March 2020, just before the first lockdown, and that's when I had the CT scan."
Doctors investigating Maryrose's second blockage in less than a year, discovered two growths within the bowel - something which was described to her as a 'life and death situation'.
"I was told before the surgery started that I would need a stoma bag this time around but it would most likely be temporary. My large colon was also removed because it was so badly damaged that it couldn't be saved. This left me with only my rectum and I'll need another operation in the future."

Post ileostomy surgery, Maryrose admitted that she was in a "dark place" and "hated" having the stoma bag in.
"I was really conflicted at the time," she said. "I really didn't want this bag on my body but I knew that it saved my life. That's what they told me. They told me that if they didn't perform the surgery there and then that I would I die and when you're left with a decision like that you're going to do whatever it takes to save your life.
"But afterwards I didn't have a good opinion of myself. I hated my body because of the stoma bag and I did everything possible to try and cover it up as best I could.
"We had just entered lockdown so I wasn't seeing anybody at the time anyway and that was hard in itself because I didn't have the people I usually could rely on.
"That's why I decided to create the page because I needed somewhere where I could talk to people who were going through the same thing but I decided that I wasn't going to show my face because I was too embarrassed.
"That when a local wax melt company, Brona at Urban Ivy Aromas asked me if they could name their torso candle which was created with a stoma bag after me. They wanted to tell my story and I thought 'no chance, that's never going to happen'.
"But I went away and I had a conversation with my sister and she told me that I shouldn't be feeling the way that I was and that I had nothing to be embarrassed about.
"She said that my story could help empower so many people and the more I thought about it the more I decided that it was something that I should consider and that's why I decided to reveal myself."

She added: "I sort of found my calling in a way and ever since all I have been trying to do is help educate and create awareness about stoma bags and bowel cancer.
"Nobody should have to sit in silence in the way that I did for that year and feel horrible about themselves. People who are getting this procedure can be at ease knowing that this isn't a death sentence and life can be as normal as you want it to be.
"Yes, there are some adjustments but the way the bags are designed now and the supplies that come along with the bags are amazing.
"People should feel confident with their stoma and not be afraid to show it."
If you would like to follow Maryrose on her journey, you can do so by following her Instagram page @big_c_stomaandme HERE.
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