The Department for Economy has been accused of “failing to engage” with the All Party Group on Climate Action about the energy crisis.
Kate Nicholl says officials have been invited to talk MLAs through their energy strategy, and more recently energy prices, but have cancelled on three separate occasions.
In a move the Alliance MLA branded “shameful and disheartening” they failed to send someone to the latest meeting, which she chaired on Tuesday.
Read more: Household energy bills in NI 'to be capped from November'
Ms Nicholls said: “During a climate and cost of living crisis – with an extremely tough winter looming and uncertainty as to how the people in Northern Ireland will be supported - we expect more accountability than this.
“In the absence of an Assembly functioning All Party Groups are one of the few mechanisms we have for scrutiny, so the refusal to engage is both shameful and disheartening.”
We understand the request to brief the committee on energy dates back to July 2021, when a previous chair wrote to Minister Lyons.
Kate added: “DfE were scheduled to attend a meeting in October 2021 and cancelled a few days beforehand, after the agenda had been circulated, citing a shortage of staff.
“DfE was then re-invited to attend in January 2022, and officials cancelled again after the agenda had gone out, citing a lack of resources.”
She told us the focus of Tuesday’s meeting “was on energy and the cost of living crisis” and that DfE “declined to send a nominee”, letting them know the day before.
“Many MLAs and external stakeholders, including young people, cleared time in their diary to attend the meeting, hoping to discuss this critical issue. See agenda attached. We had over 60 attendees,” she added.
“I wrote to the Minister ahead of the meeting to respectfully ask he reverse this decision and have not received a reply.
“As proposed by Steve Aiken and John Blair I will now be writing as Chair of the All Party Group to voice our disappointment.”

A Department for the Economy spokesperson said: “Due to significant business pressures, officials were unable to attend the APWG on climate today as planned. Their attendance will be rescheduled in due course.
“DfE officials have been engaging with their counterparts in the UK Government to assist them in finding workable solutions for the Northern Ireland aspects of the UK-wide energy supports announced by the UK Government.
“It is of course vital these support measures are rolled out as quickly as possible so that local business and domestic consumers are supported as their energy consumption rises into the winter.”
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