The whole world is basically on travel lockdown since the spread of coronavirus hit a critical level. People were rushing to get home before bans were in place, including Denise Richards, who was shooting the medieval drama “Glow and Darkness” in Madrid, Spain. It took her two days to get home, and “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” star made it back just in time.
Now, while production is on hold, “The Bold and the Beautiful” actress is spending time with her family. She’s also focusing on her partnership with Canavation Product Group to create the new skincare line CBme Beauty featuring products like a pH neutral probiotic cleanser, lightweight moisturizer, retinol-based nightly renewal serum, and an advanced eye and décolleté treatment. As part of the partnership, I was able to chat with Richards to learn how she’s staying healthy and her typical travel routine.
Q: What do you always travel with?
A: I try to take carry on as much as possible. I bring the same Louis Vuitton bag for the last 15 yrs. After going through security, I have to get bottled water and pretzels, it’s almost a superstition at this point and part of my routine. If I do have to check luggage, I pack a change of clothes and some small toiletries in my carry on in case my luggage gets sidetracked somewhere. I make sure I have my good headphones I listen to music during take-off and landing. If it’s an international flight I bring my own pillowcase for the pillow we get on the plane
Q: How are you staying healthy while traveling?
A: I have always wiped down seats on a plane, the phone, and remote control in a hotel. I don’t go as far as Naomi Campbell, but maybe I should.
Q: What’s your first travel memory?
A: My first travel memory was when my family took a trip to Orlando, Fl to Disneyworld. It was the first time I had been on a plane. It was a real vacation for us. We always would do camping trips.
Q: What’s the secret to traveling with kids?
A: The secret to traveling with kids is to have enough things to keep then preoccupied, especially when they’re younger. Ages 2-3 I found a bit more challenging traveling. My girls always have to clean up any mess they make, including the snacks they eat. They still have to even though we’re on a plane.
Q: What’s your travel pet peeve?
A: My pet peeve is I prefer if someone wants a picture of me to ask me instead of just taking pictures and videos when they think I’m not looking. I always say yes when they ask.
Q: What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done while traveling?
A: At 18, I went to Tokyo, Japan, to model the day after I graduated high school. I flew by myself. Looking back, I was so young.
Q: What’s still on your bucket list?
A: I want to go to Africa and many safaris there. That is still on my bucket list!