A new dementia unit is set to revolutionise care at one Liverpool care home.
Based on the former site of Nugent Care Home in Liverpool 8, which closed in 2019, Park View was totally refurbished in 2021. Valentines Day saw the local community being invited to view the new unit.
Lord Mayor of Liverpool Roy Gladden had a look around, spoke to staff and people viewing their services and joked with residents throughout the day. Park View is one of 34 homes across England run by Kingsley Healthcare.
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The new dementia unit will bring the total residents up to 56. Director of operations, Pauline Parker-Moore told the ECHO: "We open within the next couple of weeks, we've invited the community today so they can see what we’ve got to offer our residents.
"We’re training our care staff, our support workers as enhanced care home practitioners. They are not nurses, but can support the nurses. We have a very high level of trained people to deliver a very person centred care".

Park View offers 24 hour care for all residents, which comprises 14 on the ground floor, 21 on the middle floor for general nursing and the new unit will hold 21 residents with dementia. Residents get regular trips out, visits from local entertainers and their favourite meals are incorporated into the menus.
Care home manager, Neil Hooley said: "We show any prospective client around, then cover a very detailed assessment so we can anticipate if we can meet that person's needs. Everybody's care is individualised to suit their needs.

"We take pride in that we all have the same vision of that person centred approach. Continuity of care we strive to deliver and that's down to good rota management, effective skill mix and redeployment of people throughout the building".
Elizabeth Pomford's husband, Gordon is a current resident, shesaid: "This is amazing here, it’s fantastic. He’s got his own room, my son has now bought him a budgie. He’s well looked after''. Gordon named his budgie Dixie after legendary Everton record goalscorer Dixie Dean.

She added: "The food is wonderful, he gets a choice. One day they said what do you want for supper, he said can I have cheese on toast please. Well, they weren't doing it for anybody else, but they now do cheese on toast".
People can self refer with their families or be referred via health professionals. There is no catchment area, although a large proportion of their residents will be from Liverpool or the surrounding areas.
For further information visit Park View Care Home HERE
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