New Delhi: Rain lashed parts of Delhi on Thursday morning, bringing the temperature down to 30 degrees Celsius. The rainfall brought respite from the scorching heat as the temperature dropped to 29.2 Celsius.
India Meteorological Department's forecast for Thursday is that weather conditions are favourable for further advance of monsoon in several parts of India.
"Conditions are favourable for further advance of monsoon into remaining parts of the Arabian Sea and Gujarat, some parts of Rajasthan, remaining parts of Madhya Pradesh, entire Uttar Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh and some parts of Jammu and Kashmir, some parts of Punjab, Haryana and Chandigarh, entire Delhi during next 24," IMD said.
IMD further predicted that rainfall with thunderstorms/lightning with isolated heavy to very heavy rainfall is likely to occur over West Madhya Pradesh from June 30 to July 2 and in east Madhya Pradesh from June 30 to July 1.
"Scattered to fairly widespread rainfall with thunderstorm/lightning with isolated heavy to very heavy rainfall very likely over West Madhya Pradesh during 30th June-02nd July; East Madhya Pradesh on 30th June & 01st July and isolated heavy rainfall over Chhattisgarh during 30th June-02nd July; 2022," IMD said.
According to IMD prediction, "Isolated heavy rainfall likely over Odisha from June 30 to July 4, Jharkhand on June 30; Bihar from June 30 to July 2. Isolated heavy to very heavy rainfall is also likely over Sub-Himalayan West Bengal and Sikkim on June 30.
Earlier on June 18, the weather turned pleasant in Delhi after the national capital received rainfall. (ANI)