A planning application for a new office block in Ruddington which could create 120 jobs was knocked back by Rushcliffe Borough Council because of uncertainty over some details.
The application sets out plans for two floors of office space, two floors of parking and associated landscaping on the site of Britannia House at Ruddington Fields Business Park. The Planning Hub submitted the application on behalf of MHR, a HR and payroll firm.
MHR already employs 700 full-time and 200 part-time workers, a total of 800 full-time equivalent. The new office block is proposed to create 80 new full-time jobs and 40 new part-time jobs, a total of 120 and a full-time equivalent of 100.
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But the planning application has been 'invalidated' because the fee calculated to Rushcliffe Borough Council for the application was £23,963, however, the local authority has requested a further £414, according to a document on the council's planning portal. There was also uncertainty about a flood risk assessment being submitted and the description of the development, which The Planning Hub has responded to.
Planning was approved at the site for two new office blocks on January 15 2020 which are currently under construction, and this new application is for another one. It's planned to be similar in scale and design, but will also have two floors of subterranean parking underneath the two floors of offices.
For the two office blocks being built, more than 200 staff members are expected to be able to work there, with the new office block providing space for up to 100 more.
A planning statement said: "The two new office blocks are intended to accommodate over 200 members of staff, many of which will be new to the company and some of which will be transferred from existing offices within Wellington House, Britannia House and Ruddington Hall. The additional office block will provide office space for a further 80 to 100 members of staff, adding to the rapid expansion of the company, for the wider benefit of employment levels within the area.
"The potential increase in vehicles onto Mere Way and the A60 roundabout would not be harmful or severe as a result of the development and would not result in any loss of amenity to local residents or users of the public highway. There are no residential properties close to the site that would be affected by this development."