A charity golf day in memory of a much missed Livingston man has led to life-saving equipment being installed at two sports venues in West Lothian.
The fourth annual Paul Lynas Memorial Group Golf Day saw 72 golfers get up early to tee off from Uphall Golf Course at 7.30am before an enjoyable evening party and raffle held at Middleton Park Bowling Club.
As a thank you from the fundraising group, they have paid for life-saving defibrillators to be installed in both locations - meaning the group have now purchased four in West Lothian.
Paul - a keen golfer and bowler - sadly suffered a fatal cardiac arrest six years ago with his brother-in-law Ally Fleming along with close friends and family having staged a number of fundraising efforts since, totalling over £80,000.

Speaking to the Courier, Ally said he was ‘overwhelmed’ by the success of the day and has vowed to continue their efforts of raising funds and awareness.
He said: “This was the fourth golf say that we’ve staged and it can be a bit of a labour of love at times but when the day actually arrives, it becomes really clear that it’s all worth it.
“To get 72 folk up and out of their bed on a Saturday morning to be on a golf course at 7.30am is no small achievement and it speaks volumes about Paul’s legacy that these events remain so popular and successful.
“It’s really quite humbling that six years on we’re still raising huge sums and doing lots of important work in Paul’s name.
“The comments afterwards were all positive and everyone’s efforts were massively appreciated.
Along with raising tens of thousands for British Heart Foundation over the years, the group also funded the installation of defibrillators at House 54 in Eliburn and at Bathgate Bowling Club.
And that figure will be doubled thanks to the fundraising efforts on the day with Ally saying: “So far this year we’ve raised just shy of £7200 that’s gone to British Heart Foundation and they do amazing work but this event was about raising funds and giving something directly back to the community.
“We want to give the defibrillators to Uphall Golf Club and Middleton Hall Bowling Club because they’ve done so much for the group over the years.
“We’ll contine to try to raise funds and provide these bits of genuine life-saving equipment to the community.”
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