As Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Bajirao Mastani clocked 5 years on Friday, Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh and Priyanka Chopra flooded the Internet with nostalgia and gratitude. Bollywood buffs were once again seen gushing over Deepika in Deewani Mastani song which was inspired by Madhubala’s dance in Mughal-E-Azam’s iconic track, Jab Pyaar Kiya Toh Darna Kya.
As the winter wedding season is here, it is just the right time to suggest Deepika’s gold lehenga in Deewani Mastani for a recreation on your nikaah ceremony. The timeless and stately dhaani-coloured dress was designed by Anju Modi which along with the accessories that created the grandiose and is a perfect bridal outfit.
Deepika’s graceful dress in Deewani Mastani song was initially made in pink, red and gold colours and Bhansali took six months to hunt it down before giving a green light to the one in dhaani colour. The opulent three piece costume included a backless Anarkali-style blouse with full sleeves, a layered skirt with brocade lining and underneath a pair of palazzo pants underneath, all of which featured gota patti embroidery.
The blouse was embellished with floral thread work and sequins on its sheer bottom. Inspired by a miniature portrait of Mastani wearing a Persian hat, Deepika’s look was completed with an embellished hat.
Unlike Deepika’s 30 kg lehenga in Ram Leela, Bhansali decided to keep the outfit in Deewani Mastani song lightweight and of translucent material. The precious stones in the passa, kundan choker, gold haath phool and pearl-lined maang tikka amped up the traditional and ethereal look.
Since the focus was made to not let Deepika’s costume overpower the Aaina Mahal yet be in sync with her bold and empowering character, the diva’s makeup was rounded off with nude shades and neutral tones while her hair was left curly and wild. This regal look can be recreated to give you that off-beat Peshwa women-look on your nikaah day or you can give it your own tweaks and twists.