A decorative urn at the grave of Dame Vivienne Westwood has been stolen.
Florist Anja Norris has tended the grave at the request of the fashion designer’s family since her death in 2022.
She said a resident in Tintwistle, Derbyshire, where Dame Vivienne was born, reported the urn missing.
Ms Norris told the BBC: “It’s just so disrespectful, I hope they bring it back.
“I can’t get my head around it, the grave is very popular with people and those in the village like to visit it to pay their respects.”
The master florist was chosen to design and make the floral attachments to the grave by the designer’s family after her death last year, aged 81.
The theft is thought to have taken place in the past two weeks. Vivienne grew up in the village before moving to London as a teenager.
Ms Norris said she was shocked by the theft as the “very heavy” urn would have been needed a car to move it.
“I can’t get my head around it, the grave is very popular with people and those in the village like to visit it to pay their respects,” she said.
“I’m quite taken aback but there is a small level of amusement as to why anyone would want to do this.
“I’ll let the post [about the disappearance] on Facebook sit for a few days before I think about what to do next.”