Hideo Kojima boasts a portfolio of video game masterpieces like no other, but they're often compared to films thanks to their cinematic nature and superb storytelling - according to the mastermind developer, though, it's no coincidence that his games often feel like movies.
From Death Stranding to Metal Gear, Kojima is no stranger to smash-hit game successes. If you've played any of his titles and have felt almost as though they carry a touch of cinema within them, however, past Kojima knows why. Speaking in a 1999 interview alongside fellow video game mastermind Yasumi Matsuno, the legendary lead explores what he calls his generation's "cinema DNA" - and how it's influenced his work.
"My generation really took a lot from the cinema, and much of that remains an unconscious influence on what we make today. I like to call it our 'cinema DNA,'" jokes Kojima. "Having grown up with movies and their influence, no matter what I attempt to create, that DNA will always make its influence felt and lend to my creations a 'cinematic' shape. For those who grew up in the 'manga generation,' likewise, all their own art has traces of manga in it."
Kojima continues, expressing concern over younger devs' own experiences and their access to other forms of media like film as video games were beginning to take over. "On the other hand, one thing I'm a little worried about today is that the current generation of young game creators has grown up on video games themselves, and I don't know if they've had time or room to absorb the influence of other arts and mediums."
As for Kojima's games, films' influence on them is undeniable. "In my case, it's not so much that I'm conscious of movies when I create, it's more that, as a result of having grown up with them, everything I make ends up feeling somewhat like a movie," he admits. "It's all stuff I absorbed unconsciously: a sense of what's 'cool,' beautiful framing, stylish lighting." And "it's all influenced me in one way or another."
The lead concludes that "A single work becomes invested with many unconscious strands." Even though this interview took place in 1999, Kojima's words seem more relevant than ever. His upcoming project OD, which he describes as "a bit risky" and "a game like no other," is being produced in collaboration with comedian and filmmaker Jordan Peele, after all, and Kojima has the Death Stranding movie coming as well.