Due to changing release dates there will only be one MCU film released in 2024 - but it looks like a good one. Director Shawn Levy and star Ryan Reynolds are both returning with Deadpool 3 in July, and they're bringing Hugh Jackman's Wolverine along with them. Ahead of that, however, the Merc with a Mouth will be returning to the pages of Marvel Comics where he will be headlining a new ongoing series.
Launching in April, Deadpool will be written by current Miles Morales: Spider-Man scribe Cody Ziglar and drawn by Venom and Carnage artist Rogê Antônio. The series is said to focus heavily on the dynamic between Wade Wilson and his daughter Ellie, while also introducing a brand-new arch enemy named Death Grip.
Here's Taurin Clarke's cover for the first issue.

"Wade's been one of my favorite characters since I first got into superhero comics, so being asked to helm a Deadpool series was a dream come true," said Ziglar. "I look forward to diving into and exploring Wade's family (found or otherwise), his unique approach to being a (mostly) unkillable mercenary, as well see what kinda of whackos they bring into his orbit."
"Deadpool has always been on the list of characters I'd like to draw one day, and that's finally happening!" added Antônio. "For me, he is one of the most fun characters and allows me to play with him a lot, artistically speaking. I can't wait to see readers' reactions!"
Marvel's official synopsis for the new series reads:
"A NEW ERA FOR THE MERC WITH A MOUTH, AND A GUN, AND A SWORD... Ziglar and Antônio have a wild ride planned for the Merc with the mouth! Introducing a terrifying new villain who won’t stop until he catches Wade in his DEATH GRIP. But all work and no play makes Deadpool a very DEAD boy!"
Deadpool #1 is published by Marvel Comics on April 3, 2024.
Deadpool debuted in the X-Men line. You can keep track of all their upcoming comics and collections right here.