Dundee Contemporary Arts has been awarded £3.5 million for major upgrade s and refurbishment work.
The grant is part of the city council’s capital plan for 2022-2027.
The planned work will help DCA carry out essential upgrades to the building, as well as improving the organisation’s environmental sustainability.

£1m of the funding is specifically assigned to help DCA reach net zero, through the implementation of new energy efficient and carbon reducing measures.
Beth Bate, Director of DCA said: “We are extremely thankful to be included in Dundee City Council’s refurbishment programme which will help modernise DCA’s facilities and support our transition to net zero.
“As founder partners of DCA, we are especially glad to be working in partnership with Dundee City Council on this project, helping us to future-proof our building, allowing all us to connect with audiences in a more sustainable and environmentally conscious way.”
While Councillor Mark Flynn, city development convener, added: “The council is delighted to fund new investment in DCA so that this major city attraction can receive refurbishment work.
“It is vital that the facility can enhance its sustainability as it looks towards the future following nearly 23 years of operation.
“DCA is a popular place for both locals and visitors to the city alike and I am sure they will be delighted to hear of these improvement plans.”
Further details of the other refurbishment works taking place at DCA over the next five years are to be finalised in the upcoming weeks.
For more information on the capital works click here.
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