David Hughes has been named general manager of WOIO-WUAB Cleveland. He comes from the top spot at WSAZ-WQCW Charleston-Huntington, West Virginia, where he had been GM since late 2021.
Gray Television owns both duopolies.
Hughes starts June 26 and succeeds Matt Moran, who was named senior managing VP at Gray Television. Moran also ran WSAZ-WQCW before taking on WOIO-WUAB.
Before he took the GM job at the Charleston-Huntington stations, Hughes was general manager at WVIR Charlottesville and news director at WDBJ Roanoke. Those are part of Gray Television as well.
He also worked in the newsrooms of WFLA Tampa, Florida; WRAL Raleigh, North Carolina; and WMAZ Macon, Georgia, earlier in his career.