Canberra's new public transport ticketing system will be operational in just under a fortnight, with the new app and online portal already available for passengers.
The MyWay+ system will be in use on buses and light rail services from Wednesday, November 27, ending more than two months of a fare-free transition period.
New cards are now available for purchase and passengers have been encouraged to set up their MyWay+ accounts in readiness for the changeover.
Transport Canberra said it was in the final stages of installing the MyWay+ hardware on the bus and light rail network. New ticket vending machines would be installed over the coming weeks, they said.
The MyWay+ app for iPhone users and online portal are already available, including the real-time journey planner. Passengers can now also purchase or order a MyWay+ card.
Android users will be able to access the app in coming days subject to Google's registration process, Transport Canberra said.
The new system will allow passengers to tap on and off public transport services with contactless credit or debit cards for the first time.
Transport Canberra executive group manager Judith Sturman said the launch of the app and online portal was a huge step in the transition to the new system.
"We want to give the community time to prepare for the system commencing on Wednesday, November 27, 2024. By launching the app and online portal now, along with allowing people to get MyWay+ cards, it will mean people will be able to get familiar with the new system," Ms Sturman said.

"MyWay+ will transform the way the community pay and plan for public transport and make it an easier, more attractive choice for Canberrans. It will provide powerful journey planning, live service updates and convenient ticketing choices."
Travellers will be able to order a new MyWay+ card from their account, view travel history and customise real-time journey notifications in the app.
Ms Sturman said there would improvements to the account and app over the coming months as user feedback and planned software upgrades are incorporated.
"We realise that a new ticketing system is a significant change for how people use public transport. Our drivers and staff will be actively educating the community as the new system goes live," she said.
Public transport in Canberra has been free since September 20, when work began to switch over to the new ticketing and transport information system.
The fare-free period was expected to last at least six weeks and cost $2.5 million in lost revenue. The changeover is now set to have taken more than nine weeks.
The new card readers will accept dedicated MyWay+ cards, credit and debit card payments and will read quick response (QR) codes from cards, phone screens and paper tickets. Paper tickets will be available from ticket machines and will be available for sale online for printing at home.
Credit and debit card payments - to be processed by Westpac - will not attract a customer surcharge. Processing fees will be factored into the fare price.
Screens onboard buses will display upcoming stops and the time to reach each stop along the route, while artificial intelligence will be used to generate spoken stop announcements.
Transport officials expect data collected by the new system will allow them to more accurately design timetables that respond to traffic congestion and patronage.
Work began to find a new ticketing system in 2017, to replace the MyWay system that was introduced in April 2011.