A data scientist has come up with a way to help hopeful travellers renew their passports in time for their holidays.
A big issue this summer for those looking to jet off abroad has been whether or not they can get their travel documents renewed in time.
A backlog of over 700,000 outstanding passport applications has led the Home Office to urge Brits to leave at least ten weeks for their application to be returned.
For many this has meant that planned trips away have had to be cancelled, or premium and fast-track paid for for an additional fee.
Even the speedy options aren't a complete solution.
Have you had issues with your passport? Email webtravel@reachplc.com

Anyone trying to book one of those appointments online at the moment will more than likely be told there are none "due to high demand".
Data scientist Dr Michael Hodge has come up with a smart way to help beat the queues and get their passports as soon as possible.
The computer whizz has created a bot which refreshers the passport appointment website every 60 seconds.
It also sends on alert out on Twitter when new appointments have been made available, which they are at random times each day.
Dr Hodge's bot, which can be found @ukpassportcheck, allows hopeful passport applicants to find out about new appointments when they are made available.
Slots are generally filled up minutes after release each day, meaning you still have to be quick on the draw to get one.
The bot has already proved popular and has more than 13,000 followers.

The bot will unfortunately not be useful for people whose applications are already in the system, as applicants are only permitted to have one processed at a time.
Dr Hodge has advice for those who are currently waiting in line.
On his website, he writes: "If you are within two weeks of travel, contact the passport advice line and they may be able to offer you a fast track upgrade.
"Otherwise, you can write and request to withdraw your standard application in order to book an online urgent appointment. However, it can take up to 3 weeks for your original application to be cancelled."
Passport Office issues have been ongoing for months, with The Mirror reporting earlier in June that some people had been waiting more than 10 weeks for there's to be processed.
Another lengthy wait had led to a sports centre manager becoming homeless and sleeping in his car after being caught up in the passport delays crisis.