Lawyers for Daryl Maguire have attacked journalists for their alleged behaviour since damning corruption findings were made against the former Wagga Wagga MP last week, issuing a strangely worded statement accusing unnamed “media” of “unsafe u turns”, spooking “valuable horses” and trespassing on government-owned rail corridors, among other things.
Maguire’s lawyers also praised their client’s efforts to secure money for Wagga, including his pursuit of grants and hospital funding that were at the centre of Icac’s corruption investigation.
At one point, the statement reminds the public that Maguire had quoted the 17th-century British architect Sir Christopher Wren when opening Wagga hospital, saying: “Reader, if it’s his monument you seek, look around you.”
“And in typical Maguire style he said, No One [sic] person can claim this as his or her achievement, but together all of you played a part in this and can claim we did this together,” the Hunt and Hunt lawyers’ statement says.
“Daryl Maguire is proud of his many achievements serving the electorate of Wagga and NSW and strongly denies all allegations referring to the projects above.”
The final section of the letter begins “Media. !!!!” before criticising journalists for “serious invasions of privacy”.
“Media. !!! During the past days there have been serious invasions of privacy, not only to Daryl Maguire and his immediate family but alarmingly the stalking of young women going about their daily routine, harassment of employees and intimidation of clients of his business operations.
“There have been three traffic near collisions caused by media doing unsafe u turns in front of oncoming cars, parking unsafely, speeding, and following young women to their work at 5 am on at least two occasions.”
The statement also says drones have spooked horses, “raising concerns from agistees”.
“Further media continue to trespass on government owned rail corridors which again is unsafe and illegal,” the lawyers allege.
The firm also says Maguire will make “no further comment nor debate the Icac report with media” due to “future legal action that Daryl Maguire may take or respond to”.
The Icac investigation heard that Maguire had secured funding for Wagga hospital in the 2018 budget after complaining to his then partner, Gladys Berejiklian.
In wire taps played to the Icac the then NSW premier told Maguire she would “fix it” to ensure the funds were provided.
Maguire’s lawyers say the funding and upgrades were a result of his “tenacity and sheer dogged determination”.
“Let it not be forgotten that during his time representing the people of Wagga and region he worked tirelessly for his constituents,” the statement says. “Indeed, he was described in evidence as a dog with a bone, a vociferous advocate for the electorate, or a pain in the arse when it came to getting improvements for the Wagga Electorate.”