First bosses in video games are considered a rite of passage. This is as they are the player's first true challenge when starting a new playthrough.
Dark Souls III is no different when it comes to this mindset. This as the game's first boss you encounter is Iudex Gundyr, a tough knight. This enemy can be fought after you reach Firelink Shrine. The boss itself is located within the Cemetery of Ash.
This guide helps players learn the basics of fighting the game's first boss. It also shows what weaknesses they can take advantage of. It is worth noting that since Iudex Gundyr is the first unmissable boss, you will not have access to a lot of weapons or abilities just yet.
Iundex Gundyr's Weaknesses
The first thing you should know about the first boss in Dark Souls III is that he takes bonus damage from all forms of magic. But he is most vulnerable to Fire, especially during the second phase of the fight, according to IGN.
Fighting the Boss
The thing that players should keep in mind when fighting Iudex Gundyr is that the boss likes to use combo attacks. These are notably dangerous because they can immediately take you out if you are caught off guard.
If you are using a heavy armor character, it is recommended to take advantage of your shield and tank the majority of the boss' attacks. You can then use the small opening to strike the boss and repeat this until you get to the second phase.
The second phase sees the boss transforming into a grotesque beast that gains access to a variety of new abilities. Iudex Gundyr gains increased range in this form, making a slow and steady playstyle even harder to execute, Game Rant said.
The main thing you should do is master the basics of Dark Souls III and be patient when trying to deal damage to the boss. You need to carefully manage your stamina and figure out the best time to roll or block.
Other Things To Know
Multi-phase bosses were not all that common in the Dark Souls franchise until FromSoftware started to introduce more of them in Bloodborne. Dark Souls III builds on this by introducing players to a first boss that already has two phases.
Iudex Gundyr's second form has a generally different fighting style compared to his base form. As a knight, the boss uses his halberd to attack the player.
But in the second phase, it becomes much more frantic and uses grotesque appendages to strike you, according to The Gamer.