Dalbeattie’s Colliston Park came alive on Sunday with a Picnic in the Park.
The town’s Civic Daze team organised an afternoon of fun as local people celebrated the Platinum Jubilee. Civic Daze chairman, Jim Dingwall, said: “It went very well – and the main thing is it was dry.
“I was on the tombola and it was busy. We had a lady doing tattoos and she was busy as was the face painter. Reid’s Amusements also put on a good show.
“We also sold all 1,000 ducks for our duck race and we crowned our civic Queen Lexie Sanderson. It was a good day.”

The winning duck was owned by Jean Handley with Calum Hall second and Corey Carnochan Third.
The ducks were retrieved by Simone and Georgia, meaning they can be used again next year.
Dalbeattie’s celebrations began on Friday afternoon when more than 50 residents of John Street enjoyed a party in the Daniel car park.
And on Sunday there was a fantastic afternoon tea at the Birchvale Theatre.