A dad found out he had prostate cancer after a nurse mentioned he was eligible for a specific test during an unrelated GP visit.
Kevin Saunderson, 47, from Liverpool had experienced no symptoms linked to the deadly disease, which usually affects the small gland underneath the bladder.
But when he visited his GP surgery for a blood pressure test, a nurse told him his age meant he qualified for a free men's health blood test to screen for any worrying conditions or illnesses.
The results showed the protein levels in his prostate (PSA) were abnormally high - a potential sign of cancer.
Kevin told the Liverpool Echo: "I was then asked to go for a rectal exam, and from that exam it was identified that my prostate was enlarged. I had a couple of MRI scans; I had a biopsy taking samples from my prostate, and it was identified I had stage two cancer.

"No one wants to hear those words 'I'm afraid it's cancer'. I was only 46 and didn't experience any symptoms that would suggest I had the disease, so I was in total shock. I'm usually someone who looks for a joke in any situation, but not this time.
"I was sitting in the room probably five minutes before I was told about it. Then after that, it just doesn't sink in. You're just in a blur, so I didn't break down right away. It was more shock, if anything."
After discussing the situation with his wife, he decided to have surgery to remove the gland in March this year.
He said: "Originally I was thinking we could monitor it, but the anxiety was getting to me, every day waking up thinking I've got cancer inside me, and is it going to get to a point where it spreads and there's nothing more they can do.
"I 100% feel I made the right decision. For my own peace of mind, I think it was the right thing to do."
Kevin, a student housing manager, has now thrown his support behind Prostate Cancer UK's “What on Earth is a prostate?!” campaign, which aims to educate men.
He can be seen in the charity's new ad about the campaign, in which actor Colin McFarlane addresses "myths and misinformation" about the disease.
The charity recently surveyed around 2,000 men across the UK and found almost half (44%) didn't know where the prostate is, and three-quarters (74%) didn't know what it does.
Meanwhile, two-thirds of men wrongly assume they'll notice signs of prostate cancer in its early stages.
Around 53% believed they would be invited by their GP for testing once they reached an age when they're more at risk.

However, currently there is no national screening programme for the cancer.
The survey also revealed many are concerned about having a rectal exam and as a result avoid speaking to their GP. But the first step to checking for prostate cancer is a routine blood test, with rectal examinations only being used when needed.
Chiara De Biase, director of support and influencing at Prostate Cancer UK, said: “It’s especially concerning how many men believe they’ll see signs of early-stage prostate cancer and would avoid speaking to their GP if they didn’t have symptoms, when we know that prostate cancer doesn’t usually have any symptoms at all until it’s already spread and become incurable."
Kevin added: "One thing I think should be done is to have screening for men. It's something that should be brought up automatically. We shouldn't have to contact our GP first - it should be standard for a male of a certain age to be called for a simple blood test to see if their PSA levels are high.
"Don't be scared, just go and get it checked. If we reach just one person with this campaign, we will have achieved something."
Around 52,000 men a year in the UK are affected by prostate cancer, which is the most common cancer in men.
Prostate cancer mostly affects men over the age of 50 and the risk increases with age. Around one in eight men will be diagnosed with the disease at some point in their lifetime.
Prostate Cancer UK is encouraging men to take a 30-second free online test to see if they are more vulnerable to the disease.