A dad-of-two was shocked to be given a devastating cancer diagnosis after finding a lump on his neck while shaving.
Michael Schillinger, 57, thought the lump was a swollen gland, but made an appointment to see his doctor to check. But his GP recognised signs of cancer, and made an urgent referral for tests, scans and a biopsy.
The test results revealed that Michael had stage four cancer - a diagnosis that his children Ben, 16, and Kate, 12, described as a frightening and traumatic life-changing event, reports CheshireLive.
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Reflecting on his shock diagnosis, Michael, from Nantwich, said: "I remember thinking about my children, and it really hit me that they might have to grow up without a dad there to support them into adulthood. I wanted to keep things as normal as possible and didn't want them worrying.
"My wife Jackie was also extraordinary. She took on the entire responsibility for the family during that period."
Following his diagnosis in 2020, Michael was referred to The Christie hospital in Manchester in September of that year, where he was treated with proton beam therapy at The Christie in Manchester as part of a clinical trial. He became only the ninth adult patient to join the TORPEdO clinical trial.
The trial compares the impact of proton beam therapy with conventional radiotherapy for patients with oropharyngeal cancer. He was told while under the treatment of The Christie that his cancer was actually stage three.
But following the head and neck cancer treatment, Michael had a further blow when a scan discovered an unrelated tumour on his kidney. The position of the tumour, however, meant it was relatively straightforward for a surgeon to remove.
Michael, who is an avid swimmer and film buff, has now made a full recovery.
“I’m currently clear of cancer and expect to stay clear”, he said. “My last check-up was in December 2022. The next one will be in December 2023. I will be monitored regularly for the first five years. The aftercare has been first-rate, and it is very reassuring to know that The Christie will keep an eye on me for the rest of my life.”
Now Michael is preparing to share his experience with other patients at a high-profile conference on April 28.

Michael said: "I was referred to Dr Price at The Christie in September. Meeting him helped to change my whole outlook on the diagnosis. Until then, I had felt out of control, but Dr Price explained everything and what it meant.
"He was the first person to give me hope, particularly when he told me that the cancer had been caused by HPV rather than lifestyle factors and was stage 3 rather than stage 4. He told me he was cautiously optimistic about a good outcome and asked if I wanted to join the TORPEdO clinical trial to use proton beam therapy rather than conventional radiotherapy.
"I immediately said yes, as my consultant at Leighton had already recommended that I should. Once I was accepted onto the TORPEdO trial my care transferred to Professor Thomson who was also very reassuring and gave me hope.”
Michael had two 18-hour chemotherapy infusions at The Christie and 33 proton beam treatment sessions.
He added: “I can’t imagine having a better experience anyway in the world. The staff were remarkable, very attentive, and every detail had been thought about.
"It really felt like I was important to them. They even had someone I was able to discuss the psychological impact of the diagnosis with, which was very helpful.”
As Michael had head and neck cancer, he needed to wear a mask that fastened his head down to the treatment table, which he found uncomfortable but tolerable. He also struggled with swallowing because of the treatment.
“The first two weeks after the proton treatment was the worst”, he said. “I was struggling to swallow, it was even hard to drink water, but I was determined not to have a feeding tube.”
Michael's uncle was diagnosed with less severe throat cancer five years before Michael but had a completely different experience as proton therapy was not an option then.
"I am convinced that I’ve had a more positive treatment experience than my uncle”, said Michael. "He had 22 teeth out before they could do the treatment. I only had one out.
"And he had even worse problems swallowing food and drink than me. The treatment affected my saliva glands, but I can now eat practically anything. I could even start eating curry again a year after my treatment, but he probably never will.”
Michael said he was looking forward to participating in the proton consumer day conference.
He said: "I am pleased to have the opportunity to share my experiences with patients, the staff, and others interested in proton beam therapy. If a patient is considering joining a clinical trial, there is a big unknown. Hearing first-hand from other patients will give newly diagnosed patients the information they need and more options to consider.
“I think it is also valuable for the professionals involved in proton beam therapy to hear from patients, as it can help them improve an already excellent service.”
Any patients interested in taking part in clinical trials should discuss this option with their consultant or GP. Not all patients will fit the criteria for a specific trial. While clinical trials can be successful for some patients, outcomes can vary from case to case.
The proton consumer day on Friday, April 28 has been organised by The Christie, in conjunction with University College London Hospitals, CTRad, NCRI Radiotherapy Research Group and the Science and Technology Facilities Council.
The conference is open to anyone wanting to learn about proton therapy, particularly potential patients. Topics covered will include explaining how proton beam therapy works and why it benefits certain groups of patients, what it’s like to have proton treatment for children and adults, proton therapy research and clinical trials and a question-and-answer session with a panel of experts. Anyone interested can register for the conference here.