A dad believes his son was murdered over a burglary by the Hatton Garden villains 15 years ago.
Bruno Hrela, 79, thinks a row over the spoils from a £2million jewellery raid led to the gangland-style execution of son Bruno, known as Tiger.
He was shot twice in the head at his home in Enfield, North London, three months after the theft from Giggy Jewellery in the City.
An underworld source said four people did the 2004 job – including Hatton Garden gang members Brian Reader, 80, the late Terry Perkins, 69, and Michael “Basil” Seed, 59.
No one has ever been charged. Police suspect Tiger was involved in selling stolen goods.
Mr Hrela, 79, said: “There was something devious about it. I believe there was collusion between the police and one of the characters involved.”
After his son was killed, a gangster came to Mr Hrela’s safe business asking for the jewellery.
Detectives bugged his office but when the man returned he refused to enter or speak. Mr Hrela said: “Someone had tipped him off.”
A suspect arrested two weeks after the murder was released. He is not a member of the Hatton Garden gang and there is no suggestion they were involved in the hit.
But the raid on Giggy, which is 150ft from the Hatton Garden safety vault, has similarities to the 2015 raid.
The intruders had a front door key, went in over two nights of a weekend and made a hole in an internal wall to access and disable the alarm.
Retired detective David McKelvey, who led a raid to uncover some of the Giggy haul at a business run by a pal of Perkins, believes the Hatton gang were not harmless but “linked to organised crime and corruption”.
A Scotland Yard spokesman urged anyone with evidence of corruption to pass it to them. Details of Tiger’s murder is in a revised edition of a Brian Reader biography called One Last Job, from Mirror Collection on 0845 143 0001 or mirrorcollection.co.uk