A dad has been forced to defend himself after a stranger yelled at him for taking his young daughter inside a men's public toilet.
The parent was out shopping with his three-year-old when she told him she needed to use the 'potty'.
He then rushed to find the nearest public toilet and after spotting no family option, chose to take his little girl inside the men's.
Luckily, the pair found the loos in time, and they were soon ready to go on their merry way. But when the duo emerged from the bathroom an enraged woman started screaming at the parent and his child.

As he explained in his shocked post to Reddit: "A woman sees me coming out of the bathroom with my daughter and screams about it saying 'how dare you take a girl into the boys room' I look at her with the 'are you crazy look' and start to walk away when she yells that I am a pervert."
Sadly, the uncomfortable situation did not end there, though. His narration continued: "She than (sic) reaches for my daughter. I quickly shoved her away and she falls to the ground. I pick up my daughter and quickly walked away. Another customer stopped her from chasing me thankfully and we left the store."
Following the altercation, the dad was left wondering how else the stranger expected him to act. "Has anyone had this happen to them? What was I supposed to do when my daughter has to pee?" he questioned, before asking commenters who was at fault.
Fortunately, responders were quick to reassure the dad over his decision to take his daughter to the toilet. As one person pointed out: "When a kid needs to pee, they need to pee." "Not sure what else she expected you to do if there's no family restroom," said another. "You can't go in the women's. But very small children don't really count for the purposes of sex segregation."
Elsewhere, someone revealed: "My mum used to do that all the time me or my brother had to go pee woman's room no matter what."
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