Cycling is an activity, or sport, you can enjoy at any age. Fitness writer Hannah Reynolds has been speaking to cyclists in their 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond, bringing tips, advice and inspiration from cyclists who are still pedalling as the decades progress.
How does a rider stay motivated to keep turning the pedals as middle age calls? According to age group Gravel World Champion, Helen Jackson, “cycling is not an obsession, it’s a requirement.” With no coach or training plans, she puts her success down to years of consistent riding.
Consistency has certainly paid off. Last year, she won the Vet 40 national mountain bike champs, Vet 40 hill climb and was second at the cyclo-cross Vet 40 national champs. She also won the Three Peaks Cyclo-Cross [a 38-mile cross race and one of the toughest cyclo-cross events in the world], and the gravel World Championships for her age group. In fact, she did a little bit more than just win her age group, coming in 42nd overall, despite the age group riders starting several minutes behind the UCI elite racers.
“I’m 46 now, the only sure thing is we get older and gain experiences, but I still feel a bit clueless to be honest,” Jackson begins, “I feel about cycling now the same as I did when I was a young 20 something, even though I’ve had lots of experiences in between. The feel of the wind in my hair hasn’t changed. When I get out of a meeting and I’m on my bike then I’m free and I’m excited to be there.”
Whilst Jackson has been a cyclist since her teens, it isn’t the only sport she has been involved with, “I did 7 years of adventure races and a lot of running,” she says, being modest about her time in the GB mountain running squad, before adding “I think I’ve benefited because it has been a mixture of sports which keeps things fresh.”
Freedom is a feeling that keeps her motivated, “I am completely consistent at riding but I have no structure. I think I’m still doing it and still enjoying it because there are no rules. No one has ever dictated a plan to me. I have never responded well to a coach, even when I was running on the GB squad, my coach then just said ‘oh it’s Helen she’ll do what she wants.”
The same approach is applied to her racing, “I’m not very organised with the races I do. I tend to enter things either because they are nearby, my friends are doing it, it sounds fun or because it means I can ride my bike somewhere new.” Sometimes those chance conversations and spontaneous race entries end in success, “someone suggested going to the Tour of Cambridge [a qualifying race for the Granfondo World Championships]. I didn’t really fancy it as its flat but someone offered me a lift and thought I might as well go.” A good decision as it turns out, “I was fastest in my age group so qualified for the UCI worlds. I saw the world championship race was in Scotland, fairly close to home so it was perfect!” Helen finished third at the Granfondo world Championship, “I’m taking it seriously, but only if it fits in with the rest of my life.”
An enjoyment of racing is perhaps a major factor in Jackson’s consistency over the years. “I just love riding my bike fast – doing a closed road fondo was mega. The gravel worlds we were hacking along at 35kph on the gravel, skidding round the bends with 30 people around you!” Another element might be that no one is putting any pressure on her to perform, “I’m really matter of fact about results. For example, I was second in the cyclocross nationals, I pulled my hamstring and had a mech problem – it wasn’t to be but I don’t get hung up on it.”
Staying healthy
Iron is an important mineral in the body, essential for muscle function and oxygen transport. Adequate levels of iron in the blood are necessary for athletes as iron-deficiency can reduce physical performance, symptoms of iron deficiency include tiredness and a shortness of breath. Anaemia can mostly be prevented by a diet rich in iron sources, recent research suggests that maintaining adequate energy and carbohydrates in the diet also seems to be an important factor. Focus on lean meats, such as beef or chicken, which are high in heme iron—the form most easily absorbed by your body. For vegetarians, lentils, beans, and spinach are excellent sources of non-heme iron, which can be better absorbed when paired with vitamin C-rich foods like oranges or strawberries. Additionally, endurance athletes should be mindful of their intake of iron inhibitors like coffee and tea around meal times. Iron is not a supplement that should be taken routinely without medical advice as too much iron can cause damage to the body.
No one can ride and ride indefinitely and Jackson had a few health issues last year which made her evaluate her diet a little more. “I went to the Doctors and it turned out I was severely anaemic, I had very little iron. The pharmacist was very worried about the results, she said ‘do you need to sit down?’ I said ‘no! I’ve just ridden a 100 miles as fast I can.’ I had ridden the Tour of Cambridge and the UCI gravel event the Gravelloch with virtually no iron at all.” Helen made some diet changes and started using supplements to restore her iron levels which made a huge difference almost immediately, “I went to the UCI Gravel Worlds and it felt so much easier! In hindsight my concentration hadn’t been that good and I was a bit more tired than usual. I was slowly but surely burying myself, just not thinking about what I was doing. When I started taking iron supplements I felt brilliant. It was a good reminder to look after myself.”
While a better diet has meant more energy and performance improvements there is a little bit of regret, “because of the anaemia I have had to really think about my diet which is a shame as I love eating pizza and ice -cream and if I enjoy a drink I might have another! I’m trying to live a life – not be a robot.”
Racing is a choice, and an opportunity

Despite top level results nationally and internationally Jackson is completely self-funded, but she recognises her packed racing calendar is a lifestyle, “I have got a choice – I could always go on holiday instead of racing around everywhere. If my mates are going or it sounds interesting then I’ll go. I’m not super bothered about standing on a podium, I just like racing and the experiences it gives.”
Another reason for not chasing sponsorship is that Jackson does not enjoy publicity, “I don’t put stuff on social media. You have to think a little bit about how you talk about your achievements in connection with other riders. If I say ‘oh I had a bad race’, which I might have done for me, but I finished in front of them saying that diminishes their achievements. I don’t particularly like to talk about it, I would rather support other people’s riding.” As a very active member of the Lake District based Kendal Cycle Club, Jackson is always encouraging other members to try racing. “I was always really lucky with support from my family, my friends and my club.”
She recounts a recent experience which made her think about how important support is, “I was on a plane on my way back from Gravel Worlds and I was talking to a guy next to me, he was saying that if he had won anything he would be telling the whole plane! I asked him what sport he had taken part in and what he enjoyed doing. “ The 6ft 5 gentleman went on to describe how he had “played basketball to a good standard when he was young but his single mum couldn’t afford it and he never got the chance to progress,” Jacksons explains, adding “I think there are probably many amazing athletes who never found the right sport or never had the environment around them to develop. I feel really happy that I have had the chance to achieve anything.”
Cycling is a requirement

Helen isn’t driven by any particular goal, just the continued experience of cycling, “I’ve got where I am and I am completely satisfied with it. It is important to not lose perspective by having an awareness of the people around me and thinking about the rest of the world.” Despite her success she is reluctant to dish out any advice, “We are all so fascinating and individual, what works for one person won’t work for another. Knowing yourself is very fundamental to your wellbeing.”
Cycling has and always will be a significant part of her life, and one she consciously makes time for, every day. “I want to do something for myself every-day, even if it is 6am in the morning or 10pm at night, I need to do that to make sure my head is healthy. I try hard to do what I can within the realms of what is possible. It is actually quite straightforward for me. Cycling is not an obsession, it’s a requirement. Cycling is something I want to do because of how it makes me feel.”