A greater diversity of culturally appropriate housing for Indigenous Australians is required, according to a peak research body.
The Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute on Wednesday released a study examining Indigenous tenancies.
According to data from the 2016 Australian Bureau of Statistics census, 39.4 per cent of Indigenous Australians own their home, compared to 68 per cent of non-Indigenous households.
Almost 60 per cent of Indigenous Australians live in rental accommodation, compared to around 30 per cent of non-Indigenous Australians.
"Indigenous people commonly experience both direct and indirect discrimination when searching for a property within the private rental market," lead researcher, Dr Megan Moskos, said.
"This discrimination sits alongside a lack of affordable and culturally appropriate housing for Indigenous people as well as long waiting lists for public housing.
"The housing that is available to Indigenous tenants may not provide a good fit between cultural norms and ways of living, nor with regard to household size and composition."
The research examined three housing program case studies in very remote, regional and metropolitan areas.
"We identified that cultural differences between the way Indigenous and Western families use housing were not adequately accounted for in rental housing service provision and tenancy agreements," Dr Moskos said.
She said traditional responsibilities of Indigenous tenants to house extended family members could conflict with landlord expectations.
The report noted Indigenous people are less likely than the rest of the population to live in a non-family household.
The proportion of multi-family households is markedly higher among Indigenous households in very remote Australia, it also noted.
The report found there is a need for an adequate diversity of properties that meet cultural and familial requirements of Indigenous households.
One case study respondent said an important aspect for a "successful tenancy" for an Aboriginal family was the right house.
"It's culturally appropriate so that, you know ... there's actually enough bedrooms for people," they said.
"I think it's also really important, it's not just inside the house. It's outside the house. That there's a decent yard ... a decent verandah. Because people naturally ... are outside ... because they like to gather and yarn."
One Indigenous rental seeker said they weren't taken seriously by private real estate.
"I've got a house, car, I've got everything. I'm still classed as lower class," they said.
The report found successful tenancies were helped by programs that work with all members of a household and allow for regular engagement.
"For example, in the past, housing policy has explicitly aimed to place Indigenous people in public housing in fringe areas with a lack of public transport, employment and educational opportunities," it read.
"Partnerships between government departments and Indigenous organisations to co-design policies and programs are required.
"Our research also suggested that improved housing-allocation policies are needed to ensure that Indigenous tenants have enhanced choice and are better able to access a suitable property in their preferred location."