Donatas Urbonas: I’ve heard that (CSKA Moscow) are actually pushing again for Kevin Pangos. I’ve heard that they also improved the offer for Kevin Pangos. Again, he’s not playing a lot recently.
Source: Spotify
Source: Spotify
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Donatas Urbonas @Urbodo
Hearing CSKA might be chasing Kevin Pangos again. More on the latest Urbonus podcast with @Ryxa41:… – 10:34 AM
Hearing CSKA might be chasing Kevin Pangos again. More on the latest Urbonus podcast with @Ryxa41:… – 10:34 AM
More on this storyline
Many European fans claim that it’s a crime for Kevin Pangos to be in the G League and on the bench of an NBA team during his prime years. What do you say to that? Kevin Pangos: I honestly don’t listen to it. But that’s their opinion. For me, playing at the highest level is something that everyone should aspire to do. And it’s no secret that the NBA has the best players in the world. Not taking anything away from European basketball, cause obviously I know how talentedpeople are there, but you don’t see guys like Steph Curry, Kevin Durant, and those type-level players overseas. So, for me, it’s an opportunity to challenge myself against the best players in the world. That’s what wakes me up in the morning; trying to continue to make myself the best player I can be and reach my full potential. -via HoopsHype / December 18, 2021
A few EuroLeague teams are currently searching for star point guards. Are youhearing any noise on that? Kevin Pangos: I really have no idea. I’ve been following EuroLeague, I enjoy watching the competition, I have a lot of friends over there. But I haven’theard anything about particular situations. For myself, I’m obviously here in Cleveland, so I’m not sure. -via HoopsHype / December 18, 2021
NBA season is long and unpredictable. The upcoming trade deadline might move some pieces out of Cleveland. For example, Ricky Rubio is on an expiring contract and could be a desirable trade target. But this is just speculation. What is clear is that it’s a crime to have Pangos in the G League at his peak. The main question is if he can find the situation he deserves in the NBA. If not, Pangos is still considered one of the top targets in the EuroLeague market. For instance, CSKA Moscow are still looking for a point guard. Dimitris Itoudis would be more than happy to find Pangos under the Christmas tree in Moscow. -via BasketNews / December 11, 2021