Cristiano Ronaldo has revealed the Royal Family supported him after the tragic loss of his baby son.
The football superstar said he received a letter of condolence from the "Queen's family" after son Angel died soon after his birth in April, leaving him and his family heartbroken.
Ronaldo opened up about the loss of the baby in an interview with Piers Morgan, who asked how his son's passing had affected him.
The Manchester United midfielder talked about the support he had received from football fans and how the royals left him know they were thinking of him.
He revealed: "I have the opportunity now to say, all English community, thank you a lot for that, [it] kind of helped with me.

"I received a letter from The Queen’s family as well … And, surprised me a lot…
"This is why I say, I respect a lot, the English community, English people, because they've been very kind with me.
"And in that difficult moment of my life… [the support] was spectacular. The way they treat me, me and my family in that difficult moment, I should say straight to the camera thank you, ‘Thank you, to the all English community that helped me in that moment’."
It's unknown if Ronaldo met the Queen before her death but he has been pictured before with Prince William.

Even despite the footballing community showing that support, Ronaldo admitted that it was the "worst moment of his life" since his father passed away. And he revealed that one of the things that hurt the most was not knowing why they had lost their baby son.
"Georgina, we had quite difficult moments because we don't understand why it happened to us. Was difficult to be honest, was very, very difficult to understand what's going on, in that in that period of our life.
"As you know, the football carry on there, so fast, many competitions, the football don't stop. We had many, many competitions. And pass through in that moment was probably the most difficult moment that I have in my life. Me and my family, especially Gio [Georgina Rodriguez], that was tough.”
Ronaldo, who is a devout Catholic, added: "His ashes are with me, like my Daddy, they are here in the house.
"It is something that I want to hold for the rest of my life and not throw to the ocean or to the sea. I keep with me. They are next to my dad. I have a small church downstairs, a chapel, and I keep my daddy and my son there."