I can appreciate the problems caused by cancelled flights and disruptions on the tube in London, but surely the bus strike in Yorkshire, affecting nearly all services, cutting off some areas completely and threatened to last indefinitely, deserves more than a sentence at the end of your report (Flight cancellations and London tube strike hamper Britons’ return to work, 6 June)?
Fiona Mathers
Wakefield, West Yorkshire
• Your report (6 June) refers to the fragmented approach to tackling Covid fraud. Had the government not closed the majority of local tax offices, there would have been a body of HMRC staff with good local knowledge of the businesses in their area that could have investigated these frauds.
Ian Arnott
• After I’ve read the first paragraph or so of an article, especially the Country Diary, I stop and guess if the writer is female or male – and I am correct 99% of the time! How or why it is so easy to work out I have no idea. Does anyone else do this?
Annie Hall
Ketton, Rutland
• Unlike, I suspect, the majority of readers, I half-welcome the PM’s return to imperial measures and look forward to my local petrol station displaying the price of diesel at £8.32 a gallon (and rising).
Colin Burke
Cartmel, Cumbria
• There are still a number of official signs in the Yorkshire Dales national park showing the correct social distance: “Two ewes/one cow/the front of a Land Rover Defender” (Letters, 5 June).
Angus MacIntosh
Burley in Wharfedale, West Yorkshire