Campaigners today step up calls for an Older People’s Commissioner to fight for OAPs.
Dozens of groups including the National Pensioners’ Convention, Independent Age, Age UK and the Centre for Ageing Better want the post of Commissioner for Older People and Ageing established in England - mirroring the approach taken in Wales and Northern Ireland.
“The role would ensure that the long-term needs of people in later life and the challenges faced by the population as they age are considered in policy and practice across all government departments,” said a joint statement by 72 organisations.
“If created, a Commissioner in England would encourage collaboration and joined-up thinking to deliver policy solutions that benefit everyone as they age.
“They would make independent recommendations and have the power to launch inquiries to resolve issues for older people now and in the future.”
NPC general secretary Jan Shortt said: “We believe that older people have the right to choice, dignity, respect, independence and security as integral and valued members of society.
“All too often the value of our experience and knowledge gained throughout our lives is ignored.
“We are not seen to contribute to society because we are no longer working or viewed as productive.
“Yet tomorrow’s older people will be today’s young people – our children and grandchildren. “That’s why we believe it is time for a serious change of perception and culture around the older generation.”
Some 11 million people in England are aged 65 or over.
In less than 20 years, more than 17 million - one in four of the population - is expected to be over 65.
A recent YouGov poll for Independent Age found 89% of people aged 65 and over said they would support the creation of a Commissioner.
The charity’s policy chief Morgan Vine said: “Despite our ageing population, Independent Age often hears from people in later life who tell us they feel invisible and that their views are not represented.
“There is a dangerous stereotype that all older people are living a comfortable and financially secure retirement when the reality is that many are struggling to make ends meet.

“Too often, older people are not given the opportunity to voice their experience to determine what they need, including better financial support. This cannot continue.”
Issues the Commission could tackle include pensioner poverty, older workers dropping out of the workforce and health and social care
Age UK charity director Caroline Abrahams said: “One of the big lessons from the pandemic was how easily older people’s views and interests were overlooked in the corridors of power at a time of crisis.

"If there had been a Commissioner for Older People in place this might not have happened, and perhaps fewer older people would have lost their lives in care homes.”
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