The devil works hard but cozzie livs works harder, as shown in new data which predicts that in the next year it is likely that over 1.4 million Australians could quit their jobs due to burn out. Mooooood.
According to research done by Allianz for their “Workplace Realignment” project, the factors of cost of living difficulties and general employment burnout have created a workplace mental health crisis of lower-than-ever job satisfaction.
Allianz’s survey of workplace employees revealed that 35 per cent of workers believe cost of living pressures negatively effect their job satisfaction. Meanwhile another 33 per cent say it is also the fault of fatigue.
Yes and yes. I would love a break but I cannot afford a proper lunch, let alone a holiday.
The survey also helped to identify some of the generational differences between employment satisfaction.
Of workers surveyed, both Gen X and Gen Z were 40 per cent likely to state that cozzie livs was making them unhappy with their work. Meanwhile only 29 per cent of Millennials (Gen Y) made the same admittance.
The most shocking find, however, was the data that suggested 41 per cent of employees surveyed had said they are considering leaving their job between the next six months and year.
This data, when extrapolated to the working population of Australia, could mean that 1.4 million people decide to quit their jobs across the country.
Thankfully, this problem is addressed in the research, which suggests ways to improve the culture in your workplace so that people are less likely to leave. Some of these ways include having appropriately trained support networks, employers adding extra diversity to teams, and having clear reward and recognition processes.
On the issue, psychiatrist Dr Mark Cross has addressed other means for employers to ensure their workers aren’t being crushed by cozzie livs and burnout.
“If companies aren’t paying people properly, people are going to walk, you’ve got a very mobile workforce at the moment with the low unemployment rate, so companies have to shift things,” according to Dr Cross.
Wild that paying people properly would make them less likely to quit. Who woulda thunk it?
Though this data suggests a mass-resignation event is on the cards, who knows if we will actually see one of this scale. That said, Dan Andrews did just quit his job, so perhaps he was the first domino that needed to fall.
No doubt that this extra unemployment will be sure to make Tim Gurner happy, who claimed the rate of unemployment needed to rise by 40-50 per cent at an AFR summit just weeks ago.
Surely though, if this many people resign at once we will have to come up with some new term for it. Because I seriously doubt that “quiet quitting” will make the cut.
Reckon we call it “The Great Piss-Offening” and call it a day. God that was hard work, reckon I’ll resign now too.
The post Cozzie Livs And Burnout Mean 1.4 Million Aussies May Quit Their Jobs & Honestly Same I’m Dead appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .