Cozy MMO Palia has received its "first real patch" since its open beta launched last week, and it adds new quests, quality-of-life fixes, pets, and more.
Palia developer Singularity 6 has rolled out Patch 0.116, sharing its patch notes afterwards. "The time has come for the first real patch update for the game since Open Beta," the patch notes read, "prior, our focus has been on several hotfixes to address some of the more immediate issues. Now, we are ready to start introducing some of the more regularly paced content, quality–of–life improvements, and bug fixes that we have planned."
The patch notes also reveal that the team at Singularity 6 "intend to keep offering these patch updates at a cadence of once every two weeks" - so if there's a specific fix you're after that isn't in this update, don't worry, it's likely to make its way into the game in the not so distant future.
🌟Patch 0.166 is LIVE! Players can now jump back into Palia after downloading the update upon opening the launcher. Click the link for full patch notes! 🔗https://t.co/fekj5NoxKB#Palia #PlayPalia #GameDev #CozyMMOAugust 15, 2023
The main things to come out of Patch 0.166 is the addition of a new quest, titled 'The Acceptance Ceremony', which continues the game's story beyond choosing a Shepp. As well as this, the latest update also adds some new Found Item quests that players will stumble across while exploring Palia. The patch notes also reveal that XP rates have been adjusted, new items have been added to 'Zeki’s Wondrous Machine', and Pets have arrived in Palia.
There's also been a number of quality-of-life fixes to the game. We suggest looking at the full patch notes (linked above) to find out what they all are. However, some of the standout ones include: "Spawn locations and appearance rates of several resources have been adjusted," "several Housing UI improvements," bug catching has become just that little bit easier thanks to a new feature, game performance has been improved for lower-end machines, and much more.
Beyond all of this, there are also some new cosmetics for players to get their hands on, a long list of bug fixes, as well as a detailed list of all the issues the developers are aware of and plan to resolve over the next few patches. If you've read our Palia is proving anything but relaxing for fans story, you'll already know that some players are having a hard time getting to grips with the game in the early days - here's hoping this update (and the others on the way) is exactly what players need to live their best lives in Palia.
Looking for something to play in the meantime? Take a look at our best MMORPG list.