What makes our world so interesting is its diversity. It stems not only from our individual differences but from our varied cultures, traditions, and customs. And so, when we go out to explore this very diverse world, we need to make sure to be respectful of it.
One such instance where respect is crucial is encountering cowboy boots placed on fences – a sight commonly found in rural America. Turns out, these boots are placed there for a good (and rather heartbreaking) reason, so be aware that touching them is a no-go.
When we travel, we should strive to be as respectful to other people and their traditions as possible

Image credits: Bunnythumpers / Reddit (not the actual photo)
For instance, if you ever run into cowboy boots placed on a fence, it’s one of such cases where respect is much needed
When you travel the world, you get a chance to meet various people and learn about their languages, cultures, customs, and wherever else. But while doing so, as we already mentioned, you must ensure you remain respectful of everything you encounter, as there is often a more meaningful picture beneath the surface.
For instance, if you visit rural America (a sparsely populated area that makes up the majority of the United States’ land area), you’re guaranteed to “meet” some of their customs or traditions there.

Image credits: Brett Sayles / Pexels (not the actual photo)
One of them is cowboy boots hung on a fence or placed upside down on its post. While at first glance it might seem like just an interesting choice of decor that the locals like, in reality, it carries a deeper meaning.
Apparently, usually, these boots are placed there as a tribute. As you might (or might not) be aware, even in this modern day, ranchers like to use horses. This is for several reasons: they’re herd animals, so the cattle usually easily adapt to their presence. They are also quieter than any vehicle, which proves useful when hunting for the cattle, as it does not scare them off.
Apparently, hanging these shoes is a way for ranchers to express their grief for their horses that have passed away

Image credits: Getty Images / Unsplash (not the actual photo)
Additionally, horses have amazing sight and hearing capabilities, they don’t run out of gas, and they’re good companions. The tradition of hanging boots comes from the latter reason – when a horse passes away, it’s natural for ranchers to want to honor their late pal.
Of course, such tributes can be done not only for a fallen horse. It can also signify the loss of a person, but this one isn’t limited to death – it can be simply a ranch hand moving for another job. You see, ranch hands are irreplaceable help when it comes to ranches or other agricultural facilities.
They help to tend to livestock, ensure the smooth operation of equipment, harvest animal products, and many other needed services. So, it’s natural for ranchers and their ranch hands to develop quite close relationships from time to time. And when their helper leaves to work somewhere else, it’s normal to grieve their departure, something that is not uncommon in other professions either.
It could also be applied to the ranch hands who pass away or move on to another job, signifying the rancher’s grief over losing an employee they had a relatively close relationship with

Image credits: Angel Rkaoz / Pexels (not the actual photo)
So, to get back to the topic of us exploring the world, if you ever encounter cowboy boots on a fence on any of your travels, it’s best to leave them be. After all, it’s someone’s expression of grief – it doesn’t matter if it’s about someone’s death or someone’s departure to another job.
We all experience grief for different reasons and in different ways, so tampering with someone’s expression is just plain disrespectful. And in this case, it could possibly even be considered cultural appropriation.
Have you ever witnessed something like this? What did you do? Tell your story in the comments!
So, if you ever run into any of these boots on fences, leave them be – do not disturb someone’s expression of grief