A mysterious cow has been causing chaos, with emergency services having to intervene twice in just 24 hours.
First, the cow was spotted wandering around a shopping centre, leading to a call out for the local fire and rescue team.
They wrangled the beast into the campus of a nearby university, hoping it would be safe there for the night, before animal rescue could come and deal with it.
But that wasn't the last they were going to see of the bovine...
The next morning, emergency services were called to the campus to reports that the cow was stuck up to its stomach in mud, in an on-campus dam.

The four-legged incident happened in West Sydney, Australia, and the cow was taken to Western Sydney University.
Firefighters used a 38mm fire hose to fashion a makeshift lasso which they threw around the cow’s neck and pulled her out of the sticky situation.
A video was uploaded by the fire crew where the cow can be seen getting pulled out, only to fall back in again to the mud pit.
A crew member was resigned to its fate and said: “It's fallen over . . . again.”

The cow was exhausted following the ordeal and firefighters stayed with the animal until she had recovered.
What no one has been able to work out yet is where the cow came from and who owns it.
A statement from the local fire teams, posted on social media, read: "You've heard the expression 'Bull in a China Shop' but what about a 'Cow in a Shopping Centre?'
"Fire and Rescue NSW was called to wrangle the wayward cow inside the shopping centre at Caddens in Sydney's west last night.
"They placed the cow on the campus of a University at nearby Werrington overnight for safe-keeping but the animal sparked another emergency around 10.30 today when it became stuck up to its stomach in mud.

"Another FRNSW crew responded and used a 38mm fire hose to fashion a makeshift lasso which it used to gently pull the cow out of the dam to safety."
In August 2022 in the UK, a woman died after being trampled by a herd of 30 cows while walking her dog. She was described by devastated pals as a "gentle human being" who "loved" animals.
Horrified local residents told how the 55-year-old was found “covered in blood” near the picture postcard village of Billingshurst in West Sussex.
Some rushed to the stricken woman's aid before police, paramedics and an air ambulance arrived.