A new handy travel map of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East shows travellers which countries have the fewest Covid-related restrictions for vaccinated UK visitors.
Journalist Sam Street’s heat-map-style graphic displays the countries with the most relaxed approach to tourists as light green, countries retaining a PCR or antigen test requirement in yellow and those which demand a PCR as orange.
Poland is the only European country left in yellow, while a select few with on-arrival tests throughout Europe and the Middle East appear as orange and coral, with Street clarifying in a tweet that “In the EU only Poland and Netherlands still have tests for vaccinated/boosted travellers.”
“Very much in the home straight now,” he adds.
His map also tracks the European countries that are beginning to demand a booster jab after a certain period of time following visitors’ second vaccine doses.
Some shown on the chart require a booster after three months, some after six and some nine.
Mr Street is also tracking which countries are removing tests for entry.
In a Twitter thread, he notes that Cyprus and Lebanon have both ended their PCR-test-on-arrival policy, while San Marino, Luxembourg and Belgium have all added the requirement for a booster jab.
Street’s map of the same regions’ approach to unvaccinated visitors is a starkly different picture, with patches of red showing countries still demanding quarantine for unjabbed travellers, including Poland, Slovakia, Denmark and Estonia.
Street’s version of the map also shows several countries in grey, meaning non-essential entry is banned for unvaccinated visitors.
These include France, Spain, Sweden, Finland, Germany and the Czech Republic.
Street made the maps on mapchart.net, where you can create colour-coded maps to show data along with an accompanying key.
“Lots more green now. East still beating west for UK travellers for the time being,” writes Street.