As the new COVID-19 variant in neighboring Kerala has triggered a scare with the State authorities issuing an alert, the district administration in Mysuru has taken note of the advisory issued by the State government and assessing precautions taken at the border check-posts.
Deputy Commissioner K.V. Rajendra on Thursday visited the Bavali check-post along Kerala border on Mysuru-Manandavai Road and inspected the precautionary steps taken. He also checked the surveillance being carried by the health teams deployed at the check-post following the advisory. The Deputy Commissioner was accompanied by the Zilla Panchayat CEO K.M. Gayathri.
The local health authorities apprised the Deputy Commissioner on the measures taken and the screening being done for the commuters entering Karnataka from Kerala through Bavali. They also explained about the awareness drives being done in the area and advised the community on the precautions to be taken during cross-border travel.