In September 2022, federal and state governments began releasing data once a week, on Fridays, rather than daily. As a result, Guardian Australia has aggregated the data released before that date to weekly values, to make the new figures comparable with the old.
Latest Australia Covid numbers and statistics
This chart shows the number of Covid cases every week since June 2021. Due to changes in testing from 5 January 2022, and the inclusion of self-reported Rat-test numbers, case numbers should considered to be an approximation of the actual count.
This chart shows the number of people admitted to hospital with Covid on the Friday of every week. The dropdown lets you see the numbers for different states and territories:
This chart shows the number of people in hospital per 100,000 residents in each state and territory.
Here you can see the number of people who have died each week due to Covid. Some states have retroactively updated death counts, leading to spikes:
Vaccine rollout: national and state progress
Here you can see the how the booster rollout is progressing – with second, third and fourth doses as a percentage of the population.
Here are the latest vaccination rates for each state and territory by various age ranges, as well as the booster vaccination rate:
Not all countries regularly publish comprehensive vaccination data. Here you can see how Australia compares to OECD countries on the number of vaccinations per hundred people in each country:
Notes and changes
14 Sep 2022 – Changed the format of the cases, hospitalisation, deaths and vaccine tracking charts to reflect the transition to weekly data releases.
18 July 2022 - Changed national hospitalisation chart to one that shows all the jurisdictions. Chart includes interpolated data for some jurisdictions.
Due to the unprecedented and ongoing nature of the coronavirus outbreak, this article is being regularly updated to ensure that it reflects the current situation at the date of publication. Any significant corrections made to this or previous versions of the article will continue to be footnoted in line with Guardian editorial policy.