A Tennessee couple got a cute surprise when they woke up to find a strange dog curled up in bed asleep with them.
Jimmy and Julie Johnson’s unexpected guest wandered in through a back door that was accidentally left open and joined them for the night.
“I rolled over on my side of the bed, and said, ‘No, no, no that’s not our dog,’” said Ms Johnson of how she found the dog when she woke up.
So she took to Facebook and posted a missing dog message, and someone recognised their new friend as Nala.
“We got a Facebook message saying, ‘Hey, that’s my dog. I’ll be there in a few minutes, what’s your address?’” She added.
Ms Johnson says the owner sent over photos of the dog as proof.
“She sent me Christmas pictures and all sorts of photos with her dogs,” she said.
The Johnsons found out that the dog had travelled two miles before deciding to settle down with them for the night.
“As a matter of fact, I was still laying in bed and snuggling with Nala when her mom walked into the room,” said Jimmy Johnson.
Nala’s owner took to Facebook to share details of her dog’sadventure.
“Our overly friendly pup, Nala, has hit an all time record for ignoring personal space and added yet another trick to her long list of houdini acts. She slipped her collar yesterday while being walked, ran down the street to a neighbors house, somehow managed to get IN their house, and climbed into bed with them in the middle of the night,” wrote Cris Hawkins.
“The woman and her husband have 3 dogs of their own that all sleep in bed with them. None of their dogs reacted to a random dog climbing into bed with them and the couple didn’t even realize that it wasn’t their dog in bed with them, until the sun started to come up.”