A couple claim they've been forced to flee two homes to escape an 'aggressive spirit' haunting them after the husband had a near death experience - as CCTV shows pens and TVs moving on their own. Nick Summers, 36, believes an entity has latched onto him after his heart stopped three times following a work accident, leaving wife Kinsey, 31, so scared she has had to sleep in hotels.
Footage from a camera set up to capture their ordeal shows a previously motionless pen dramatically rolling across a coffee table while the couple sit watching TV. Another video appears to show a spoon spin around in a coffee cup while Nick sits on the sofa with his dog and a third captures the couple's TV falling from the wall without explanation.

The oil rig worker claims he and nurse Kinsey were driven out of one home in June last year after Nick saw the ghost of a girl in the living room.
He says he has made contact with the entity using a 'spirit box' - a device that is like an electronic Ouija board where people try to contact spirits - and communicated with a ghost named Dusty.
Nick says the next day the ceiling mysteriously collapsed. Now he says they get through up to 20 lightbulbs a month as they keep blowing.
The pair moved to a new house three miles away where they claim the activity has 'cranked up' as Nick hears his name being yelled in his own voice.
Nick, from Abilene, Texas, US, said: "My house is pretty intense. We've had to move from two houses and this entity has followed us and we're moving again in a few weeks.
"In both houses, I have to change 14 to 20 lightbulbs per month because they pop out, boom. It's insane.
"In the last house, the intensity got so bad, a coffee cup slid out of a stand and hit me, the sink would turn on. I was getting hit with bottle caps and I would go in the kitchen and all the cupboards would be open like in a movie.
"The creepiest thing that ever happened was we saw a shadow the size of a fridge come out of our bedroom, down the hall, stop in front of us and go up into the ceiling.
"Kinsey went and stayed in a hotel because she didn't want to stay in the house. Kinsey would be home alone and she'd hear tapping but not on the windows or doors, it would be on the couch. She would get bugged out and didn't want to be home alone.

"One morning I woke up and I just felt that someone was in the house. I told Kinsey to stay in bed and went into the living room and saw a female spirit. It was the most detailed, scary experience of my life.
"She looked nine or 10, her outline was vibrating and there was a light blue around her. She was wearing floral print pyjamas like our grandmas used to wear.
"She was looking out of the window and then she evaporated. I screamed to Kinsey that I'd just seen a ghost in the house.
"I tried to make contact. I asked their name, they said Dusty. I asked if they wanted us to stay in the house and it started laughing.
"The next day, the ceiling caved in. It was an eight-foot circle and no one could tell us why.
"We were super happy to move. I'm not really scared of ghosts but it catches me by surprise."
Nick says when he moved to his current house, activity 'cranked up a notch' and the couple are already arranging to move somewhere new.
Nick said: "After a month of living here, things started cranking up a notch. I got cameras to catch it on camera. I see orbs all the time that hang out and separate into two.
"My TV has been ripped off the wall, the spoon moving, the pen rolling, my name is called in the house at least three times per week.
"I hear 'hey Nick' in my own voice and I get goosebumps. It's a totally different ball game.
"Kinsey doesn't want me doing investigations in the house because it gets so bad.
"Things go missing and move around. My bedroom doors lock themselves like someone is inside. It's crazy.
"I think we have an aggressive spirit, I don't think it's a demon because they're really rare, poltergeist are more common."
Nick took up paranormal investigating as a hobby in 2019 after an accident at work where his heart stopped three times and he had to learn to walk again.
He believes he may have formed a connection with the afterlife because of the near-death experience and suspects the spirit latched onto him when investigating an abandoned hospital.
Nick said: "I started going to abandoned mansions, hotels and hospitals. There's a hospital in town that's been abandoned since the 1940s. That's when everything started happening to me at my house. Everything got cranked up activity wise after that.
"I got hurt on the oil rig when 300lbs of machinery fell 50 foot and hit me. I broke 27 bones in my back, collapsed my right lung and had my head superglued. I had three blood transfusions and had to relearn how to walk. I died three times so I don't know if it made me easy to see.
"They said the only reason I only survived is because I'm a bodybuilder. I got into investigations and exploring because my physio told me to find a new hobby."
Do you have a story to share? Email paige.freshwater@reachplc.com.