A couple were freaked out to find peculiar things while renovating their dated home, including old coupons and clothes stuffed into the walls.
Cassidy and Eton previously hit the headlines after revealing the bizarre items found while renovating their 150-year-old home.
The couple bought their house in March 2022 for £366,000 and started gutting the property right away before discovering a 1970s Pepsi can and bones.
Now, as they've continued with the renovation, they've come across more unique items, including old Polaroid pictures from the year they were born.
“We liked the quirky features of the old house and knew we'd be able to work with its charm to make it great," Cassidy, a high-rise land developer.

“Old homes throw a lot of curve balls which you can't plan for until you begin tearing down walls and really getting deep into it.”
In one clip posted on TikTok, captioned: “Things we found in our 150-year-old home,” Cassidy and Eton go through the strange things they have come across since renovating.
Firstly, they show an old newspaper from 1962, which was stuck to the floorboard under the carpets.
They then go on to show the camera a bunch of Polaroid pictures, from the year they were born.
The couple, both 24, also find a strange, singular reflection glass, with an eye stencilled into the middle.
Next, they find a vintage, wooden plank, with the words ‘Senorita.’
The video gathered over 323,00 views, 17,200 likes and almost a hundred comments as they reveal the historic items to the viewers.

Dyandra said: “1962… it’s crazy to think that those papers were made 60 years ago.”
Audrey added: “That’s 100% haunted.”
Someone else said: “So many cool finds.”
Another person suggested: “Keep all and frame them.”
One user wrote: “So cool wow.”
The couple also found a huge amount of clothes, hidden and stuffed into the corner of a wall and as they pull down the clothes, dust and debris came tumbling down.
The clip racked up 7.3 million views, 589,900 likes and thousands of comments from baffled users.
One person said: “I dare you to try to wash the clothes.”
Anna added: “Old clothes were used for insulation.”
“Why did someone put clothes IN THE WALL?? Murder cover-up?” suggested Melissa.