The Siddapura police on Saturday arrested a tailor, his wife and his sister-in-law for allegedly stealing cash and valuables from a neighbour’s house after getting a set of duplicate keys made on February 19.
According to the police, the accused, Akbar, his wife Nazima Taj and her sister Sumaiah Taj are residents of Dayananda Nagar, Jayanagar 1st Block. “They got to know that their neighbours had sold their truck to arrange money for their daughter’s marriage. They accessed the house keys and got a pair of duplicate keys made, which they used to steal the cash and other valuable items,” said a police officer.
The couple hid the stolen money and items at a relative’s house in Tumakuru. “Based on their confession the police recovered ₹4 lakh cash and gold valuables worth ₹2.7 lakh,” the police added.