Perth and Kinross Council employees will be granted an extra day's holiday on May 8 to celebrate the King's coronation.
The decision was made by all councillors at a meeting of Perth and Kinross Council on Wednesday, February 8.
The coronation of King Charles III and Her Majesty The Queen Consort will take place at Westminster Abbey on Saturday May 6, 2023 and the occasion will be marked by a bank holiday on Monday, May 8.
The decision to grant an additional day's annual leave for council staff was unanimously approved.
However Labour councillor Brian Leishman will possibly not be glued to his television watching the spectacle that weekend.

The Perth City North councillor said: "The coronation is a completely pointless event in the respect that Charles is already King.
"The inevitable pomp and pageantry will cost the public a substantial amount of money - money that could be spent on vital services."
But he added: "I'm glad the bank holiday in schools is not to be moved."
One option would have been to swap the May 1 holiday - when schools are off - to May 8. Councillors however supported the recommended option - put before them on Wednesday - to support an additional day of annual leave. Schools will now be off both Mondays.
Only essential council services - which includes emergency responses to homelessness, housing repairs, child and adult protection services - will be maintained on May 8. Council employees who have to work on May 8 will be awarded their additional annual leave at another suitable time.
Conservative councillor Noah Khogali said: "On a less dour note we can use that day to recognise the volunteers especially in our communities and I hope we can have a special award for volunteering centred around that day."
He and Conservative Mid Scotland and Fife MSP Liz Smith have written to Provost Xander McDade calling for PKC to use the Monday bank holiday to recognise Perth and Kinross volunteers and create a new award for volunteering, designed around the coronation.