A PAY boost for Singleton councillors could encourage more candidates for the upcoming by-election, the council's boss says.
A report to the Tuesday night council meeting backs a 2 per cent wage boost for the mayor and councillors. Given the council's classification, that would give the mayor $67,140 a year and councillors $21,100.
General manager Jason Linnane said the bump was about $7.88 per councillor. With nominates for the July 30 by-election opened on Monday, he said better pay could encourage contenders.
"Being elected as a councillor to make decisions for and on behalf of the community is an important role and I don't think people realise the significant time, effort, and skills needed to run for and hold public office," Mr Linnane said.
"Quite rightly, people don't put their names forward to serve the community for financial gain. But the remuneration ... should be an appropriate reflection of the status of these positions that demand dedication and a high level of accountability around the clock.