A Perth and Kinross councillor has demanded NHS Tayside take "a cold hard look at themselves" over local healthcare provisions in the region.
The councillor made the comments as the latest phase of the Oudenarde development at Bridge of Earn was unanimously approved.
Bridge of Earn Surgery closed in August 2019 and up to 1600 homes could eventually be built at Oudenarde.
On Wednesday councillors approved housing plans submitted by local builders GS Brown Construction.
Perth and Kinross Council's planning and development management committee was recommended by officers to approve the plans for 66 bungalows when it met virtually on January 19.
GS Brown Construction Ltd submitted plans to build 13 two-bedroomed bungalows and 53 three-bedroomed bungalows on land north of the A912 at Oudenarde, Bridge of Earn.
The plans included a play area and a recycling area near the access to the future park and ride site.
In September 2016 planning permission in principle was granted for a residential, commercial and industrial development with associated school provision, open space, and landscaping. The local development plan has allocated a capacity of 1600 homes on this mixed use development.
Local resident Ms Losty raised concerns to the committee about education, health services , flooding and ongoing parking issues.
Ms Losty said there were "a lot of issues for elderly people" since Bridge of Earn Surgery closed in 2019 with some struggling to get to GP practices in Perth.
Concerns were also raised by councillors about flood risk at the former hospital site.
A planning officer said: "There is undoubtedly a lot of flood risk. However, this particular site has not been identified by SEPA as a flood risk."

An officer from PKC's flooding team told the committee the site was not within the floodplain of the River Earn and said the team had "no real concerns about flooding for this site". Councillors were told proposed drainage arrangements would mitigate any flood risks.
Kinross-shire SNP councillor Richard Watters asked about public transport provision connecting the development to Bridge of Earn and Perth.
Officers said a footpath would link it to the village and the road would be designed to facilitate a bus service.
Planning convener Roz McCall moved to approve the latest plans saying they were "long-awaited" and would "provide better transport links and a new school".
But the Conservative councillor strongly criticised NHS Tayside.
She blasted: "NHS Tayside are severely falling down here. I do have a concern the health provision in the area isn't just unacceptable, it just isn't there. NHS Tayside should take a cold, hard look at themselves.
"It's shocking that NHS Tayside are not doing what they should be doing for the people of Perth and Kinross."
Almond and Earn Conservative councillor David Illingworth seconded the plans saying the housing was "much-needed" but echoed Cllr McCall's concerns about healthcare provision.
Back in September 2019 at a meeting of the Perth and Kinross IJB the chief officer for Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) Gordon Paterson vowed to look at reinstating a GP practice “at the earliest possible opportunity".
He told the IJB NHS Tayside would “look to invest whatever money is necessary to reinstate a primary health care service” in the Perthshire village. A nurse-led service was opened just over a year later at a community nurses’ house on the village’s Station Road in November 2020.
After the meeting NHS Tayside was asked for a response.
A response was given from the Perth and Kinross HSCP which is responsible for healthcare provision at the Community Care and Treatment Service at Bridge of Earn.
Chief officer Gordon Paterson told the Local Democracy Reporting Service the HSCP had plans to introduce more services to the centre in Bridge of Earn.
He said: "We are committed to ensuring there is appropriate access to healthcare services for all our local populations and communities.
“We have received positive feedback from the local community on the introduction of the Community Care and Treatment Service in Bridge of Earn. The service is open every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and provides phlebotomy and wound care treatments.
"This local provision has reduced the need for some people to travel for services and the HSCP is planning to introduce other services to the facility to benefit residents living locally.
“The HSCP is currently making plans to refresh the previously developed local needs assessment to consider the opportunities for enhanced primary care provision in the Bridge of Earn area, taking account of the expected population growth. This plan will take into account the new housing development at Oudenarde.
“The unprecedented demands of the COVID-19 pandemic had unfortunately led to some delay to this work but we are now directing resources to progress the needs assessment, engage with local people and review the possible options for Bridge of Earn.
“The updated needs assessment will be key to informing the Perth and Kinross Integration Joint Board’s appraisal of the possible options to enhance delivery of primary care into Bridge of Earn.”